Chapter 652: Villains please be gentle (63)

Chapter 652 The villain, please be gentle (63)

Cha Cha patted his chest confidently.

Then he praised himself a few more words.

Tsk, I'm such a clever little devil.

Isn't Gu Qihuai planning to stimulate Gu Qichen at the charity gala?

She now locks people up until the end of the charity party.

Naturally, Gu Qichen will be able to spend this charity party quietly.

Well, although this is not very kind.

However, if she doesn't attack Gu Qihuai, Gu Qihuai will attack her. This time, even if it was regarded as the interest she asked him for when he stimulated Gu Qichen before!

After all, what you have done will always have to be returned one day.

She turned around with satisfaction and planned to go back to the party.

Hidden power and fame!

Who would have thought that as soon as he took a step, Cha Cha saw Gu Qichen who was standing there at an unknown time.

Her heart thumped suddenly, and she immediately thought of the text message Gu Qihuai sent to Gu Qichen. She originally wanted to leave the warehouse before Gu Qichen arrived.

Now that she was bumped into it, she was a little stunned.

Cha Cha walked up to him with a guilty conscience, "When did you come?"

Gu Qichen looked gloomy.

He came very early.

He came before Gu Qihuai sent the news.

She is a little abnormal, how can she hide from him?

His mood was a bit complicated.

He didn't expect that in order to protect him, she would do such a dangerous thing.

has always known that the little cutie is smart.

I didn't expect that the force value of the little cutie could be so good.

Seeing the little girl's eyes full of worry, he stretched out his hand and wrapped the person in his arms, "I'm fine, my tea is really good, I will protect you in the future."

Cha Cha paused for a while.

"Have you seen it?"



Chacha tilted his head and buried his head in his arms, oohing twice.


"Do you think I'm ruthless?"

's little fluffy head moved, protruding from the socket of his neck, and his round eyes stared at him eagerly.

Gu Qichen shook his head with a smile in his eyes.

"My baby has done so much for me, it's too late to pamper you, why do you think you're ruthless?"

Gu Qihuai didn't know how many times harder than this when he attacked him.

Now, what is this little thing?

heard the words.

Chacha made sure that Gu Qichen didn't understand her meaning, so he smiled arrogantly.

"He brought it to the door first, no wonder I."

"Yes, he deserves it."

If his tea tea doesn't fight back.

It was him who was injured.

The two returned to the party peacefully.

happened to bump into Father Xue.

Father Xue looked at the two of them suspiciously.

"Where have you been?"

chacha, "toilet."

Father Xue, "...Come with me and introduce some uncles and uncles to the two of you."

Chacha nodded obediently, "Okay."

Gu Qichen, "Well."

Father Xue, "..." I always feel that something is wrong, but I have no evidence.


When the charity party was almost over, Father Xue muttered to the people around him.

"Gu Qihuai didn't show up? It doesn't quite fit his style."

The people around him answered in a timely manner, "I heard that Gu Qihuai's assistant can't find Gu Qihuai, he can't get through on the phone, and he doesn't know where to go. Someone saw him tomorrow before the party started."

Father Xue nodded, "Is that so? It's really strange..."

and many more.

Father Xue's mind flashed quickly.

He subconsciously glanced at his good daughter and Gu Qichen not far away.


Tsk, the good daughter is so cute, she looks like a little fairy.

So the idea that just popped up must be his illusion.

The idea of ​​   was quickly forgotten by him in the corner.

(end of this chapter)