Chapter 664: I tease each other with the actor (8)

Chapter 664 Me and the actor are teasing each other (8)

Chacha finished tidying up the room, and ran up to Ye Shiran, softly.

"The room is packed, you can make do with one night first."

Ye Shiran nodded, "I've caused you trouble."

Chacha shook his head quickly.

"If Grandpa asked you to send me back, this would not have happened."

The little girl's round eyes gleamed.

Soft as hell.

obviously took the blame on herself.

Ye Shiran looked at her and said warmly, "Can I take a bath here?"

Cha Cha nodded, "Of course."

The moment the little girl lowered her eyes, she didn't notice the smile that flashed in the man's eyes.

Ye Shiran turned around and entered the bathroom.

However, the fragrance on his body never dissipated around her for a long time.

Chacha inexplicably felt his heart beat a little faster, and his face became hot.

She patted her chest and sat on the sofa, "Qiqi, why am I so nervous?" It wasn't the first time we met.

Qiqi, [I don't know about this either. 】

Chacha your own reaction, how would I know?

Anyway, there is no problem with the body.

Qiqi sighed.

I don't know who is the routine in the end.

after awhile.

The bathroom door rang.

Cha Cha subconsciously turned around.

Then I saw that the man was only wearing a bath towel, and the naughty drops of water fell from his hair down his cheeks, all the way down to his collarbone...

Chacha swallowed unconsciously.

whispered a few times, as if counting his abdominal muscles.

Well, you have a great body.

Qiqi, [...] Unexpectedly, Ye Shiran used the handsome man's trick as soon as he came up.

This is so special, who can stand it?

A deep voice sounded in Cha Cha's ear, "Have you counted how many abdominal muscles you have?"

Cha Cha's face flushed red, she turned her head and retorted with a guilty conscience.

"No, no counting your abs..."

Well, the abdominal muscles were directly caught.


Ye Shiran was quite satisfied with her reaction, and took two more steps in front of her. His long, slender hand took the fair little hand and put it on his abdominal muscles.

"Don't be afraid, I'll take you to count."

Chacha looked back at Ye Shiran in shock, "..."

Do you know what you are doing?

Why are you so flirtatious!

Do you know that there is a price to be paid for being sultry!

Emotion flashed in his round eyes, and after three seconds, Cha Cha pushed him away, ran back to his room, and crawled onto his bed.

's little face was buried in the pillow, leaving only the little furry head exposed.

Qiqi, […] It’s really embarrassing.

has no face to look at.

I don't know how long it took.

Chacha faintly heard a low voice with a smile.

"I went to rest, see you tomorrow."

Ye Shiran turned around and entered the second bedroom.

The little girl cleaned up for him by herself, it must be great.

However, the little girl seems to be a little timid, and may have scared her just now.

Next time, be more euphemistic, not so straightforward.

It took a while.

Cha Cha raised his head from the pillow.

"Qiqi, is he teasing me?"

Qiqi, [It should be. 】

"Oh, but, shouldn't I be the one to flirt with him?" She tilted her head and thought, Ye Shiran didn't like her, so she went to flirt with Ye Shiran.

Now comes the problem.

Ye Shiran teased her, what about her? Are you still teasing?

Qiqi, [Of course, continue to tease! Why change the original plan because of Ye Shi? 】

Chacha, "That's the truth."

is that something is not quite right.

Forget it, I don’t want to.

Go to take a bath first and then go to bed. If you have something to do, think about it tomorrow.

(end of this chapter)