Chapter 665: I flirt with the actor (9)

Chapter 665 Me and the actor are teasing each other (9)

When Cha Cha woke up the next day, he was still a little confused.

Ye Shiran slept in her apartment for one night?


may have been watching him through the screen all the time.

Now that the sudden change is so great that he appears in person, she always feels so unreal.

There was a knock on the door.

Cha Cha got up in pajamas and opened the door.

Ye Shiran was standing in front of her bedroom door.

There is still only a bath towel around him, exactly the same as last night.

Cha Cha rubbed his eyes subconsciously, oh, not dreaming. Then why didn't he change clothes?

Xu Shi realized her doubts, and Ye Shiran explained, "I fell asleep after taking a shower last night and forgot to wash my clothes. I have already called someone to deliver my clothes to me. It should be there later. Please open the door for him, it's inconvenient for me to do this."

Chacha nodded, "Okay."

When she finished washing, the doorbell rang.

She walked over and opened the door.

When the other party saw her, he was obviously taken aback.

Such a delicate little girl, obedient and soft.

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at him, "Are you sending clothes to Ye Shiran?"

"Yes." Wan Qing walked in.

couldn't help sighing silently in his heart.

He suspected that Ye Shiran used improper means to kidnap the little girl.

Chacha closed the door, thinking of letting Wanqing send it, but also thinking that Ye Shiran said before that it was inconvenient to see people.

Thinking that she didn't want people to see him wearing a bath towel, she naturally took the clothes from Wanqing, and then went into the second bedroom to deliver the clothes.

The moment the door was opened.

Wan Qing glanced at him inadvertently.

Immediately, my mood was extremely complicated.

He clicked his tongue twice.

is indeed a beast.

actually really started on the little girl.

The little girl looks very cute and cute.

Wan Qing couldn't help asking.

"Little cute, how did you get deceived by Ye Xiran...Ah, I'm wrong, how did you and Ye Xiran know each other?"

Cha Cha tilted his head and thought for a while, then said softly, "I won't tell you." There was a bit of vigilance in his black and white eyes.

Wan Chi naturally noticed, "..."

"Do I look like a bad guy?" He was hurt.

Chacha didn't answer him.

Ye Shiran had already walked out of the room and gave Wan Qing a cool look, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Wan Chi, "???"

I really think you don't want me if you have a cutie!

He snorted, turned his head and sat on the sofa, "I have other things to tell you, it's very important." I don't know what he was thinking about when he woke up so early, sigh, he worked so hard to deliver clothes, but he was still caught by these two people despise.

"Say it."

Ye Shiran said coldly, obviously not so patient with him.

On the other hand, Cha Cha, who was next to him, was taken aback for a moment.

Well, it turns out that Ye Shiran was also very handsome when he was cold.

Seeing the two of them talking, she turned around and went back to her room.

Seventy-seven, 【. . . 】I think my host is fascinated by the handsome man of the dog man.

Wanqing turned on the phone.

gave Ye Shiran a look at the hot search.

"Your hot search last night was suppressed by me.

And when I opened my eyes this morning, this 18th thread appeared, wearing the exact same dress as the little girl in the photo you took. "

After saying this, Wan Qing turned to look at Cha Cha again.

Oh, by coincidence, this eighteen line is similar in shape to this little cutie.

"Then?" Ye Shiran's voice became colder.

Wan Qing, "Then the 18th line found the marketing account to get overwhelming popularity. By the way, she is a star like us, and her agent is Zhao Rui."

(end of this chapter)