Chapter 678: I flirt with the actor (22)

Chapter 678 Me and the actor tease each other (22)

Xiao Xiao took a long time to accept this fact.

The whole person is like a wandering soul.

Never thought.

Her tea is so good!

actually secretly became the person Ye Yingdi wanted to chase.

Since then, I have been fond of mentioning countless rivals...

In the living room.

Cha Cha looked up at Ye Shiran with her little face up, her eyes were bright and her face as white as jade showed a faint crimson color.

"Ye Shiran, is what you posted on Weibo true?"

Ye Shiran's voice was low, "Huh? Which Weibo."

His little girl saw that Weibo?

Immediately, Ye Yingdi was a little nervous, he felt that the little girl should be different to him, but he was not sure whether he liked him or not.

Chacha softly said, "It's the Weibo you said you were chasing people. Who are you chasing? Are you chasing me?"

The little girl secretly made a decision.

If, he said it was her who was chasing.

Then she happily kissed him.

If it's not her who is chasing...

Well, he's done.

She wouldn't let him go even if she was a ghost!

Ye Shiran sighed, a little worried in his eyes.

He was afraid that he would scare people away by telling the truth, but he wanted to tell her the truth, to see her attitude, and more importantly, to know her reaction.

for a long time, he said.

"Well, I'm chasing you."

's always low voice was actually a little more nervous.

He looked at the little girl in his arms seriously, waiting for her reaction, and then...

Take a sip.

The little girl bit his cheek heavily.

Ye Shiran was a little stunned, and infinite surprises poured out of his chest.

As if at this moment, something exploded in his heart, he stared blankly at the little girl in his arms, and the little girl told him softly.

"Ye Shiran, since you're chasing me, why don't you show it more clearly? I didn't even notice it."

made her think that he doesn't like her now.

I didn't expect that the person I wanted to abduct home also liked me.

Ye Shiran's heart was melting.

His cute, obedient and soft appearance is so terrifying!

The happiest thing in the world is probably the person you like, who happens to like you too. You don’t need to go through vicissitudes to be together successfully.

Ye Shiran smiled and said in a low voice, "My fault, I will express my likes a little more directly in the future."

He lowered his head and pressed the person on the sofa, blocking everything she was going to say...

Wan Qing and Xiao Xiao, who were watching the play at the door of the kitchen, were completely petrified.

On the contrary, Wan Qing reacted a little faster, covered Xiao Xiao's eyes, dragged him to the kitchen, and started to prepare breakfast calmly.

began to mutter in his heart: Beast!

Xiao Xiao stood there blankly.

She said: I'm sorry, I still think I'm dizzy dreaming.

This dream is so beautiful.

It was only after the four of them finished breakfast that Xiao Xiao came back to her senses.

Oh, although I don't know what happened during her absence, her family Chacha managed to drag Ye Yingdi into her hands.

While Ye Yingdi was preparing the fruit, Xiao Xiao leaned over and whispered, "I admire it, or, Chacha, teach me how to catch my male god?"

Chacha glanced at her and said proudly, "First of all, you must have a male **** who happens to be chasing you."

Xiao Xiao, "..." Sorry to bother you.

"By the way, have you known Ye Yingdi before?" She still felt that the two of them were together too fast, and then thought about Chacha's attitude towards Ye Yingdi before.

always felt like a fan's attitude, so between the two, she suspected that they might have known each other for a long time.

(end of this chapter)