Chapter 679: I flirt with the actor (23)

Chapter 679 Me and the actor tease each other (23)

Hearing this, Cha Cha nodded.

fluttered and dropped a bomb.

"Yeah, I've known each other for a long time. He and I are neighbors."

Xiao Xiao, "!!!"


childhood sweetheart?

Years of secret love come true!

Where are these romantic cookies from?

woo, so sweet, sweet cry.

So Wanqing wants to leave Chacha from Zhao Rui's hands, isn't it also Ye Yingdi's decision?

Ow, whether it's a premeditated plan or a sheer coincidence, it's so sweet!

After packing up, Wan Qing took Xiao Xiao away with interest. At this time, it is natural to leave private space for the two of them, otherwise, his year-end bonus may not be guaranteed.

Thinking that the crew will start up in two days.

Ye Shiran was going to bring Chacha, and Wanqing would be in a bad mood.

It is estimated that it will be **** and **** again.

Oh, he sighed, and explained a few words to Xiao Xiao, and asked her to follow.

Otherwise, it may be inconvenient if something happens.

It turns out that Wanqing thought too much.

Some inconvenient things, Ye Shiran prefers to do it by himself.


When sleeping at night.

Not waiting for Cha Cha to say anything.

Ye Shiran consciously moved to her side.

looked straight at her, "The blanket is thin, it's cold at night."

Chacha blushed, and silently pulled the quilt, leaving half of it for Ye Shiran, and then burrowed into the quilt, covering her little furry head.

Ye Shiran, "..." Little cute seems to be shy.

He was lying next to her. Although he was itching, he didn't do anything. At the beginning, he naturally wanted to be a person. If he was scared, it would be bad.

Someone thought that he couldn't scare the little cutie, he endured it for a whole night, and it was almost dawn before he slowly closed his eyes and went to sleep.

When it is dawn.

Cha Cha sleeps with Ye Shiran.

found his cell phone from him.

She tilted her head, um, now she knows why he kidnapped her phone, probably because she didn't want her to see those things on the Internet.

Afraid of affecting her mood, in fact, he didn't know, she really didn't look so squeamish.

Ye Shiran said on Weibo about chasing her.

There is a lot of uproar on the Internet.

Anyone who pays attention to Ye Yingdi will know that he is chasing a little girl.

However, her face was covered very tightly, so far, no one has figured out who she is.

Chacha clicked into Ye Shiran's super talk as before and took a look. She found that many people were clamoring to get rid of fans, and they were very dissatisfied with the Weibo posted by Ye Shiran.

The person they put on the top of their hearts, but now they have to go to other girls to show their hospitality. Maybe the little girl doesn't appreciate it?

There are others who have vowed to fight against this mysterious little girl.

chacha, “…”

Ye Shiran kidnapped her cell phone so she wouldn't see it, which really made sense.

After taking a random turn, she put down her phone, tilted her head and looked at Ye Shiran who was lying next to her, her face was very clear, and her whole body was full of aura.

I can't find a single flaw in my whole body, and I am still very good, with both strength and appearance. Hey, no wonder so many fans are crazy.

I don't know how long I watched, and Cha Cha yawned again.

I'm a little sleepy, let's sleep for a while.

She leaned in Ye Shiran's direction, got into his arms, and then looked at Ye Shiran, who was still sleeping, and closed her eyes beautifully.

Outside the window, the sun is just right.

The interior is warm and full of warmth.

Two days later.

"Jianghu" was launched, and the official Xuan Ye Shiran and Liu Yue starred.

The production team and service are all excellent.

(end of this chapter)