Chapter 693: I flirt with the actor (37)

Chapter 693 Me and the Actor (37)

Nie Shuang, who had been stable for a few days without being a demon, heard the crew discussing the relationship between Ye Yingdi and Chacha in private.

She couldn't sit still.

She has been hiding in the dark to observe secretly these days.

Ye Shiran's manager has long since returned.

And his male assistant, Xiao Zhang, lives on the third floor with other staff members.

Only Yan Cha.

She couldn't find the record of opening room in the hotel.

That is to say, there is no room in this hotel.

However, Yan Cha and Ye Shiran are often together. When she asked people to guard the door of the hotel at night, she did not see Yan Cha leave the hotel.

In other words, it was Yan Cha who was with Ye Shiran that night, and they had already lived in the same room!

Nie Shuang thought about it.

This kind of thing certainly cannot be done by oneself.

That night.

She anonymously sent the paparazzi information and asked the paparazzi to find a way to squat on Ye Shiran.

She is only responsible for sending anonymous news and a few candid photos. If the paparazzi believe it, they will naturally find a way to get more real information.


Two days later.

Weibo exploded.

Someone posted a few seconds of video online.

inside the video.

Shadow Emperor Ye was hugging a little girl for a kiss.

In this video, the little girl's face and Ye Yingdi's face can be seen clearly.

The melons in the hands of the melon-eating crowd smashed to pieces.

The person who bullied the little girl in the video was Ye Yingdi? ? ?

Who really believes it!

Emperor Ye Ying is obviously a cold and abstinent noble son, how could he do this?


The figure with that face is really Ye Ye Shiran's movie emperor.

The fans were even more so angry that they almost exploded on the spot. I never expected that when eating melons, they accidentally ate their own melons.

This is so special... who suffers?

Weibo is paralyzed again.

Fans put the information of the little girl in the video like crazy.

at the same time.

began to emerge piles of revelations.

said that the little girl was Ye Yingdi's assistant. Before becoming an assistant, she was a young artist in the same company as Ye Yingdi. She had never filmed, had no works, and had nothing.

With such a face, he was asked to leave by Ye Yingdi's agent, and then he became Ye Yingdi's little assistant without knowing what was going on.

Not only that, but every day in the crew he was pulling with Ye Yingdi, delaying Ye Yingdi's filming.

With his beauty, he stupefied Ye Yingdi!

In the crew, they acted as demons and lived a luxurious life. The rest of the crew were miserable. Because of Ye Yingdi's face, the crew did not dare to say a word.

comes out with the messy revelations.

Hot search one after another.

Then, someone started to mention that Ye Yingdi said before that he was chasing a little girl.

Then here comes the problem.

What about the little girl Ye Yingdi chased?

Just give up? Stop chasing?

And he was so affectionate that he was hooked away by his little assistant in the blink of an eye.

Tsk, the sunspots laughed one after another: No wonder Ye Yingdi couldn't catch up with the little girl, he turned out to be a scumbag!

Ye Shiran's fans teared up with Kuroko while crying.

Their older brother will not be a scumbag.

They wait for explanations and wait for the truth.

Until the truth, no one can slander their brother!

Chacha was holding a small snack to wait for Ye Shiran.

found that the people in the crew looked at her in the wrong way.

She was a little stunned.

Ye Shiran is still filming.

These revelations all came out after the shooting of the morning scene started.

Chacha and Ye Shiran haven't seen it yet.

It wasn't until her phone rang and she received a call from Wanqing that she realized something was wrong.

(end of this chapter)