Chapter 694: I flirt with the actor (38)

Chapter 694 Me and the actor tease each other (38)

Chacha found that Wanqing's voice sounded calm.

Wanqing told her the matter quickly.

And then told her that when Ye Shiran's filming was over, tell him about it, and don't disturb him now.

chacha, “…”

She held back for a while, and said softly, "If you're angry, just let it out, don't hold back."

After such a big thing happened, Ye Shiran was scolded as a scumbag. How could Wanqing be so calm? It really does not match his usual image, and it is estimated that a lot of hair will fall out.

Wan Qing smiled helplessly.

"You're the most caring person, but don't worry, it's okay, it's already been expected, Ye Shiran also has her own ideas, don't worry."

Chacha nodded, "Mmmm."

Then she started browsing Weibo.

Within a few minutes.

Xiaoxiao sent a message to comfort Chacha.

"Chacha is not angry, watch me tear up Heizi to avenge you, what a hookup, what a scumbag, hmph, why don't these people think about it, you are the little girl Ye Shiran is chasing!"

Xiaoxiao started posting her own account on the Internet after saying this - Ye Shiran is super handsome.

Because of Chacha, she has been signing in, anti-black, and betting on Ye Shiran's Weibo super chat.

Her number also has tens of thousands of followers.

Ye Shiran is super handsome: black what black? Maybe the little girl Ye Shiran was chasing was his current assistant!

As soon as the sentence came out, someone started arguing with her.

The wind comes again: Have you not woken up yet? That Yan Cha can't even be considered transparent. If Ye Xiran really chased after her, she would just talk to Ye Xiran casually, and she would have a bunch of resources at her disposal, and she wouldn't have nothing by now!

Besides, can Ye Shiran watch the person he likes helplessly be hid in the same company by his manager for a year?

It is clear that Yan Cha has a ulterior motive, thinking of fortification and becoming Ye Shiran's assistant to hook him up! In order to obtain more benefits, I just didn't expect it to be photographed by the paparazzi so quickly!

There is also Ye Shiran, who is an out-and-out scumbag. While selling affectionate characters on Weibo, he has a close relationship with Yan Cha on the crew. A shameless scumbag who has been black all his life!

Xiao Xiao almost dropped the phone in anger.


Her family Chacha will not sell herself for a few resources! ! !

After a few minutes.

Xiaoxiao found out that her family Chacha had posted on Weibo and scolded people in person.

is just below her Weibo.

Cha Cha, bearing the account name [Xingchen-Yancha], followed suit and started fighting again.

Xingchen-Yan Cha: I am happy that I have been hidden in the snow for a year, I am happy when I am a salted fish, and you are not me, why do you think I am miserable?

Xiao Xiao, "..." is indeed Chacha.

She estimated that the wind would be so **** off that she would vomit blood when the wind came again.

Not long after Chacha said this, people asked her to explain her relationship with Ye Shiran.

Chacha pondered, this matter still has to wait for Ye Shiran to see what he thinks. Hearing what Wanqing meant, Ye Shiran seemed to be prepared.


Because of her late reply.

Someone started scolding Chacha with a rhythm, saying that she was guilty of not daring to reply. If the relationship was innocent, why did she not dare to reply? It's clearly a guilty conscience, and I want to sell the honest character!

After Ye Shiran's scene ended, he came to Chacha's side as usual, and when he saw her looking at her phone, he followed her and frowned.

"What happened."

Cha Cha tilted his head to explain what Wan Qing said, and repeated it word for word.

(end of this chapter)