Chapter 702: I flirt with the actor (46)

Chapter 702 Me and the Actor (46)

On the way to the hospital.

Cha Cha looked stunned.

Liu Yue comforted her in a soft voice, for fear that she would not be able to think about it.

When the two arrived at the hospital, Ye Shiran had already been sent to the ward, and the doctor was examining his body.

Chacha stood at the door. Xiao Zhang talked about what happened. When Ye Shiran was filming to hang Weiya, he fell, frightened the director and the staff, and rushed people to the hospital. It is estimated that the injury was not serious this time.


Cha Cha turned around and sat in the corridor.

lowered his head, his whole body exuding an unpleasant aura.

She was a little annoyed and a little scared.

"Qiqi, shouldn't I go out with Liu Yue, I should be watching..."

Qiqi immediately refuted, [This is not your fault! This kind of accident is uncontrollable, darling, don't worry about Cha Cha, he will be fine. 】

With the aura of the male protagonist, how could something big happen.

Qiqi silently complained.

But I dare not say it. It is estimated that in the current situation, if it says it, Chacha may break up with it.

Alas, helpless.

The results of the inspection will come out soon.

Ye Shiran was nothing serious, he injured his arm and bumped his waist, but it looked quite scary.

Liu Yue accompanied Chacha in the hospital for a while.

Seeing Ye Shiran wake up, Liu Yue pondered for a while, forget it, for the sake of Ye Shiran's injury, she would not block Ye Shiran.

Quietly leave alone, not an oversized light bulb.

When Ye Shiran opened his eyes, he saw Little Cutie sitting beside him, listless, with a bit of annoyance in her wet eyes, and a little face full of worry.

Seeing him awake, she asked softly, "Are you awake? Do you feel any discomfort? I'll call the doctor."

"I'm fine, I just want to see you." Ye Shiran wanted to reach out and hold her little hand, but he didn't expect that before he reached out, a burst of pain would hit him, causing him to gasp, "Hiss..."

Chacha hurried over to explain, "Don't move, the doctor said, you need to rest, especially your arms."

She wanted to say something else, but after seeing Ye Shiran's appearance, she swallowed the rest.

There is no way, he is injured now, she can't speak harshly, and she can't scold him. When he is healed, teach him again, how old he is, and he doesn't know how to take care of himself.

Injured and still moving around!

Cha Cha hummed in dissatisfaction, stood up to help him tuck the quilt, and carefully checked his arms.

Her movements were as gentle as they could be.

This time, Ye Shiran was treated as a fragile doll.

"Ye Shiran, tell me what you want to eat at night, I will let Xiao Zhang buy it, and Xiao Xiao I also called over, so that Xiao Zhang can't run away alone."

The little girl looked at him brightly.

Ye Shiran lay on the hospital bed, thought for a moment and said, "I want to eat sweet and sour pork ribs."

Chacha, "No way."

Ye Shiran, "Sweet and sour fish, braised pork..."

Chacha's little face tensed, "It doesn't work either."

"Why?" Tell her what you want to eat?

Chacha's face suddenly solemn, "You have to eat light food these days, oh yes, I asked Xiaoxiao to bring you pig's trotters, you can make up for it."

Ye Shiran, "...but I hurt my hand, not my hoof."

"It doesn't matter, it's all the same, be good, lie down and wait for me to feed you." The little girl touched Ye Shiran's face with gentle movements.

Ye Shiran's heart twitched, cute and gentle! So soft!

If she really feeds him by herself, he must lie in the hospital bed for a few more days! ! !

(end of this chapter)