Chapter 703: I flirt with the actor (47)

Chapter 703 Me and the Actor (47)

The news of Ye Shiran's injury spread online.

The fans were wailing again and felt distressed.

In the hospital, paparazzi began to try to get in.

Cha Cha thought for a while, took the person back to the apartment, and went to the family doctor of the Yan family.

This is not only convenient, but also no one will bother you.

But, in this case, Ye Shiran started not to be a human again.

Because of his arm injury, he could not move casually.

Cha Cha brought the food to him very intimately and fed him by himself.

Ye Shiran looked at the little cutie whose face was flushed red, with a smile on the corners of her lips and a bright light in her eyes. If he had known that he was injured and could receive such tender care from her, he must have been injured earlier.

"What have you been watching me doing?"

Chacha couldn't hold back, put down the tableware and glared at him.

Feed a meal and keep staring at her? Can you have a happy meal?

Ye Shiran said calmly, "How do you know I'm looking at you if you don't look at me?"

chacha, “…”

Injured, so your brain has become better?

actually know how to choke her?

He never dared to do this before!

She pouted, "Ye Shiran, I'll give you a chance to answer again."

Ye Shiran, "Because my daughter-in-law looks good, that's why I keep looking at you..."

Chacha, "...don't talk!"

She tilted her head and looked at Ye Shiran, it seemed that, if she fell, she really broke her head abnormally.

She snorted twice and turned to leave.

took two steps, as if thinking of something, then paused again.

"Ye Shiran, what do you want to eat at night, I'll ask someone to prepare it in advance."

The little girl's voice is very soft, sweet and waxy.

She turned around and waited for Ye Shiran's answer.

Who knew that the wounded lying down answered her indifferently, "I want to eat you."

Chacha, "!!!"

This man has become shameless!

Although I used to be shameless, I will be a little more reserved!

It's like now, flirting with her at every turn!

also said such things casually.

Unfortunately, when Ye Shiran said these words, he was serious, as if he was talking about a very solemn thing. Inexplicably, Chacha thought of a word: beasts in clothes.

She turned and left quickly.

Ye Shiran looked at her back with a smile in his eyes.

He really should have listened to Wanqing.

When it is time to sell miserably, you must sell miserably.

Not only that.

Emperor Ye also added several methods that he thought would be easier to use on the basis of those proposed by Wanqing.

For example now: you must take the initiative in your own hands.

A few days ago, he had been in the hands of the little girl. Now, it was his chance to turn around, and this injury was just an opportunity.

That night.

Cha Cha brought dinner.

Ye Shiran was uncharacteristically, stretched out his uninjured left arm, and tugged at the corner of Cha Cha's clothes, "Kiss, or I won't eat."

The deep voice startled Cha Cha.

He didn't seem to expect him to say such a thing.

The two looked at each other for half a minute.

Cha Cha got up with a snort, without saying a word, he took off his jacket, turned his head and left.

What is the corner of the clothes? Okay, I'll even give you the clothes.

She is most annoying when someone threatens her.

She hasn't settled with him about the injury.

Now threatening her with not eating?

How did you come up with it?

Do you really think you can scare her?


Cha Cha closed the door angrily, making a loud bang.

Ye Shiran looked at the closed door, her expression flickered slightly, and her eyes were filled with complexity that others couldn't understand.

A hot meal was served on the side.

He lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Like an abandoned child.

looks very pathetic.

(end of this chapter)