Chapter 709: I flirt with the actor (53)

Chapter 709 Me and the actor are teasing each other (53)

Ye Shiran made a few phone calls.

In a good mood.

He glanced at the fluffy little girl beside him.

He turned his head and called the old man of the Yan family again.

When Cha Cha wakes up.

Ye Shiran just hung up the phone.

His eyes flashed, and he quickly approached her, staring at her with burning eyes.

"Chacha, I'm ready, we can go to collect the certificate after we finish our meal."

Chacha blinked, just woke up, still a little dazed.

"Oh." She replied softly.

Then get up and wash and change clothes.

She looked back at Ye Shiran and found that he had packed himself up with one hand.

Seeing this, Cha Cha patted him on the shoulder comfortingly. She thought he was going to continue to harass her by taking advantage of the injury. It seems that the conversation with him yesterday was okay and the effect was remarkable.

Ye Shiran stopped making noises, stopped making noises, behaved like a child, great!

Qiqi, […] abducted a marriage certificate, who is not happy with it?

Breakfast was delivered by Xiao Zhang.

Ye Shiran was thinking about it, grabbed Xiao Zhang and showed it again, calculated the time, and found that the time was a little tight, so he reluctantly let Xiao Zhang go.

Little Zhang, who didn't know that he had escaped unintentionally, worked as hard as ever.

After breakfast.

Ye Shiran's stylist came over.

Chacha, "???" is stunned.

what happened?

Ye Shiran smiled at Little Cutie, "We're going to take pictures later, so we have to dress up pretty!"

"Okay." Take a photo.

Although she didn't like taking pictures very much, but when Ye Shiran mentioned it, she didn't disappoint and took a few pictures.


"Ye Shiran, you are still hurt!"

She frowned and couldn't help reminding.

Is the injury on his body suitable for tossing back and forth?

Ye Shiran lowered her head and said something to her ear, which immediately made the cute face blushed.

The fair face is full of crimson.

"Shameless." She scolded, turned her head and followed the stylist back to the room, dizzy and let the stylist give her a simple and beautiful look.

After Ye Shiran led the tea to the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Chacha finally reacted to one thing.

"Ye Shiran? Did you mean to take pictures here?"

This is the Civil Affairs Bureau? How to take pictures? Don't lie to me because I don't understand!

Ye Shiran smiled gently, "Yeah, take a photo here, you promised me, get the license today, and we'll take a wedding photo."

Cha Cha met his eyes, not knowing whether to cry or laugh, "..."

After a long time, he sighed helplessly.

Alas, get the certificate as soon as you get the certificate!

Lock people together!

She took a step forward, and suddenly felt that this was not good, "Ye Shiran, should we tell Grandpa?"

In this way, it seems that it is not very open and aboveboard, and secretly hides the certificate from the family.

Ye Shiran was amused by the little cutie.

He shook the account book in his hand.

"Look what this is."

Cha Cha reached out and took it, opened it and looked at it, his eyes were full of astonishment, "Why is my household registration book with you?"

What did he do? Shouldn't he run to her house and steal the household registration book?

As soon as he saw the emotion in her eyes, he knew what Little Cutie was thinking.

"Of course, grandpa knows about getting a certificate. If he doesn't agree, can someone send me the household registration book?"

His little cutie is sometimes very smart, and sometimes it's like he can't turn a corner, silly little cutie, he will pay attention to it in the future, his!

chacha, “…”

So, only she was dizzy until now?

(end of this chapter)