Chapter 710: I tease each other with the actor (54)

Chapter 710 Me and the actor are teasing each other (54)

When    comes out from the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Cha Cha and Ye Shiran each had a red book in their hands.

Ye Shiran happily took a photo.

Then he put the marriage certificate in his pocket, and carefully touched the pocket with his big hand. After confirming that there was no problem, he took Cha Cha into the car and left.

Cha Cha looked at the red book in his hand.

Just about to put it in my pocket.

heard Ye Shiran leaning into her ear and whispering, "Why don't you put it with me, I'll keep it."

Cha Cha didn't notice the slyness in his eyes.

Handed the red book to Ye Shiran.

and watched him put the red book in his pocket.

A few seconds later, she found that Ye Shiran frowned, then took out the red notebooks of the two of them and put them on their chests, as if afraid of losing them.

Chacha, "..." Well, that's silly.


Chacha found that after getting the red book, Ye Shiran touched her chest from time to time, and he didn't talk to her much along the way.

This situation made her a little confused.

She hasn't seen the man who holds the red book and doesn't let go after getting the marriage certificate.

Until the two returned to the apartment.

Ye Shiran pressed the person against the door and couldn't help but bully him.

Cha Cha covered her red face.

As soon as she was about to complain, she saw Ye Shiran leave her behind, turned her head and went back to the room, then closed the bedroom door with a snap, leaving her alone in the living room.

Chacha, "???"

Should I buy a durian? buy a keyboard? Buy some more instant noodles?

I feel that someone just drifted away as soon as I got the certificate.

Kneeling on durians, kneeling on keyboards, etc., is very necessary.

She hummed and lay on the sofa, and waited for ten minutes before Ye Shiran opened the door, looking refreshed.

Seeing his appearance, Cha Cha became even more depressed.

what is this?

She tilted her head and looked at him for a moment.

"Ye Shiran, you don't want me anymore after you get the certificate?"

From the time of getting the certificate to the present, this person gave her a strange feeling.

Ye Shiran was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly ran in front of her, crouched beside her and said warmly, "Why do you have such a thought? I'm just going to hide the marriage certificate..." At this point, the conversation changed, "Hid the marriage certificate Just got it."

Hide the marriage certificate and don't give her a chance to regret it.

chacha, “…”

The two of them just said a few words.

There was an additional message on Chacha's mobile phone, which was sent by Liu Yue.

She looked at Ye Shiran in astonishment, "Did you tell Liu Yue that we got the certificate?"

Ye Shiran nodded, "Yes, I also told her to prepare some money."

Cha Cha, "I think she might want to hit you."

is too shameless to ask for some money when you open your mouth?

Tsk tsk, if Liu Yue was to be a bridesmaid, maybe Ye Shiran would have to give Liu Yue a big red envelope!

"Chacha, I want to disclose the news of our marriage, do you agree?"

Ye Shiran looked at her eagerly, waiting for her to nod, he couldn't wait to post the marriage certificate for many, many people to see.

He wanted to tell everyone that she was his now.

His little cutie.

his baby.

His Chacha!

Chacha slowly took out a packet of snacks from his pocket, "I don't think I can find a reason to refuse." Anyway, after getting the marriage certificate, let's post the marriage certificate.

Got the imperial decree, Ye Shiran turned his head and posted a photo of the marriage certificate on Weibo, and Aite Chacha.

Suddenly, this Weibo exploded with a bang!


The fans didn't react at all.

They were still worried about Ye Shiran's injury, but they saw Ye Shiran's marriage certificate in a blink of an eye.

"……"Mixed feelings.

(end of this chapter)