Chapter 716: Proton Don't Blackening (1)

Chapter 716 Protons Don't Blacken (1)

【Congratulations to the host for completing the task. 】

【The lucky card owned by the host has been upgraded to the third level of gold card.

Charm card is upgraded to normal card level 5.

Snack cards remain unchanged without upgrading.

This mission did not get a small gift bag. 】

Qiqi's mechanical voice sounded, and Cha Cha listened quietly.

Oh, no small gift bag?

If there is no, there is no horn.

is better than another snack card.

"We enter the next plane."

【Good! 】


Autumn Palace, a palace somewhere.

The little **** the soft couch swayed up.

Pink shirt, fair little face, and a pair of short legs. He looks like a little rabbit who hasn't grown up, and is obedient and soft.

Cha Cha lowered his eyes to look at his condition, and then took a picture in the bronze mirror. This appearance is indeed a minor.

Inexplicably, a bad premonition came to my mind.

"Qiqi, in this plane, am I still a child?"

【Yes~ Eight years old, not too young. 】

Cha Cha, "………To exploit an eight-year-old child, wouldn't you have a troubled conscience?"

Qiqi shuddered and said softly, [But Cha Cha, you just look eight years old, not really eight years old...]

"I can't talk anymore, Qiqi, you don't love me anymore, break up!"

Chacha heartache.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, her family has also changed.

【But...】 Qiqi thought about it, but swallowed what she wanted to say.

Forget it, let’s not talk about it.

It wants to pet tea after all.

【I love Chacha the most, I will transmit data to Chacha! 】

Qiqi quickly sent her the information.

The original owner of autumn tea.

The Seventh Princess of the Autumn Kingdom, the mother concubine died young, she was stupid and not very favored.

Three points in the world.

Autumn, Water, Moon.

Qiuguo is the dominant family and is developing and prospering.

Shuiguo took the initiative to send his own prince Yezhu to be a proton in Qiuguo to show his loyalty.

When Yueguo heard the news, he immediately sent his own prince over, so he couldn't fall behind in Shuiguo.

Yezhu is the child of the Queen of the Water Kingdom, and he is also the son-in-law. However, the Emperor thinks that this son is too stupid, and even the Queen does not like him.

Yes, when sending people to the autumn country.

I have never read a little family affection.

This has led to the unwelcome popularity of Yezhu in the Autumn Kingdom.

Even your father and queen don't care about you, no matter what happened in the autumn country, no one cares. In other words, as long as you leave a life, it is counted as an explanation.

Leaf Bamboo has a good skin and is not gregarious by nature.

And the small team headed by Qiu Mo, the third prince of the Qiu Kingdom, took pleasure in bullying him everywhere.

For a long time.

Leaf bamboo gradually turned black.

After the    blackening, the Autumn Kingdom, the Water Kingdom, and the Moon Kingdom were destroyed one after another with cruel and **** means.

Cha Cha subconsciously sighed, "It's amazing."

Qiqi, […………Chacha, don’t be in a hurry to boast, your mission is to give him a little warmth and prevent him from completely blackening. 】

"Well, but, Qiqi, I'm only eight years old now. Are you trying to tell me that Ye Zhu has been black since he was a child?"

Cha Cha found the point of this time as soon as he lowered his head.

Hey, she's only eight years old.

That bamboo leaf shouldn't be that big, right?

【Yes, Ye Zhu is ten years old, two years older than you. 】

"..." At the age of ten, he began to blacken, and suddenly, he didn't know whether to feel sorry for Ye Zhu or his eight-year-old self.


The two of them were too miserable.

However, Chacha soon wanted to understand one more thing.

A ten-year-old child should be easy to coax.

The ones she met before were all grown-up male protagonists, and they were bullied badly every time.

Now, when I meet a ten-year-old male protagonist, um, Cha Cha always feels that her good days are coming.

Qiqi looked at Chacha's beautiful appearance, and couldn't bear to break her sweet dream...

(end of this chapter)