Chapter 717: Proton don't blacken (2)

Chapter 717 Protons Don't Blacken (2)

Chacha followed Qiqi's instructions, carrying osmanthus cake, wound medicine, gauze, and walking around her short legs, going around the palace again and again.

After walking for a long time, we finally arrived at our destination.

She panted and looked at the dilapidated courtyard. It was hard to imagine that the palace could still have such a dilapidated place.

is even worse than the cold palace.

It was broken and cold, and a gust of wind blew through it, making it even more eerie and cold.

"Is this where Ye Zhu lives?"

【right. 】

"Anyhow, he is also a prince of a country, but he is so miserable?"

【Don't panic, there are worse things, go in! 】

Chacha, "..." Listen, is this a human word?

She stood at the door, gasping for a long time before stepping in.

The original owner was weak and the kind of person who fell down when the wind blew. I never expected that after she wore it, she could not change this state.

She took a few steps inside and glanced at the empty surroundings.

There was only one bed and a crippled table in the hall.

There were also several broken bowls.

Not even a bed quilt.

This weather, although it is not yet winter, is already chilly.

Cha Cha shuddered and shivered, glanced at the window, oh, the window was broken, and the cold wind came in.

There is basically no difference between    and open air.

Although the original owner was not favored and bullied, he was well fed and warm.

In such a comparison, the original owner lived a life like a fairy.

in a trance.

Chacha smelled bloody.

She frowned, Ye Zhu was injured?

She followed the smell of blood and walked towards a corner.

Sure enough, I saw Ye Zhu shivering.

"Ye Zhu?" She called out softly, as if she was afraid to scare him, and it sounded like there was no lethality at all.

Ye Zhu in the corner was wearing a tattered dress, and it could be seen that the fabric was good.

But obviously it was scratched or torn on purpose.

His face was covered with bruises and scabs in several places.

Chacha tilted his head, subconsciously swept his eyes again, obviously there was a **** smell, there must be other wounds on his body.

She stretched out her little hand, trying to pull the person out of the corner.

It's dimly lit here and she can't see clearly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the little hand stretched out, with a slap, Bai Nennen's little hand was slapped.

The little girl was stunned.

stared blankly at the leaf bamboo shrinking into a ball.

Looking at his little hand that was photographed red, he was suddenly at a loss.

Communicate with a child?

Should she coax him?

Or should the person be dragged out and drugged forcibly?

【Chacha, he has been hurt a lot, so you have to be gentle, if you are not gentle, you will scare him away, read to me: gentle. 】


I will be gentle.

The little girl blinked and looked at Ye Zhu with her watery eyes.

A naive look who is not familiar with the world.

Even speaking, it became softer.

"Why are you hitting me, I just want to see your wound."

Seven Seven, 【…………】Is this so gentle?

This is a malicious act of cuteness...

Forget it, you are cute, you are doing the right thing.

for a long time.

Yezhu slowly raised his head.

's long and narrow phoenix eyes are full of vigilance, watching the dumplings appearing in front of him.

is small, weak and soft, his big round eyes are black and white, and his small face is white and tender, like a porcelain doll.

But in this palace, what everyone is best at is disguise.

He ignored her.

buried his head between his legs, and his whole body trembled even more.

Chacha, "..." You have to believe me, I, I'm really not a bad person.

(end of this chapter)