Chapter 719: Proton Don't Blackening (4)

Chapter 719 Protons Don't Blacken (4)

Chacha reluctantly put the sweet-scented osmanthus cake next to Yezhu.

"This is for you."

She quietly waited for Ye Zhu's response.

Who knows, Ye Zhu turned her head and didn't answer her.

is still a state of defense.

Well, give him medicine, and give him food, hey, forget it, take your time, after all, I just met, the first day, so don't worry.

"I'm gone, take care of yourself."

She stood up and glanced at him, then looked at the surrounding furnishings, alas, it was too bad, she went back first, and then gave him a quilt at night.

Cha Cha walked away with short legs.

Ye Zhu just turned his head and looked deeply in the direction she left for a while.

The long and narrow phoenix eyes were pitch black.

Emotions are murky.

He didn't know what her purpose was.

However, no one will show affection for no reason.

Behind the    goodwill, there may be a bigger conspiracy hidden.

Even if the other party looks small, gentle and harmless, but often such people are the most ruthless and deadly when they hurt people.

He looked down at the fragrant and delicate sweet-scented osmanthus cake beside him, stretched out his blood-stained fingers, and grabbed it hard. The sweet-scented osmanthus cake was in his palm, shattering into slag...


Cha Cha returned to his residence according to Qi Qi's instructions.

According to the information given by Qiqi.

Because the mother and concubine passed away and the queen had no children, she was put under the queen's name. At the same time, the third prince, Qiu Mo, was under the queen's name.

Unlike her, Qiu Mo's mother-in-law, Concubine Hui, is still alive.

The third prince was sent to the queen's knees by Concubine Hui on her own initiative. The queen was unable to have children because she blocked the sword for the emperor when she was young.

At that time, Concubine Hui was not Concubine Hui, but Concubine Hui. She took the initiative to send her child, and the emperor highly praised her and named her Concubine Hui directly.

Unfortunately, it didn't take long for Concubine Hui to ask the emperor for a hair-raising practice. All day long, she burned incense and worshipped Buddha in her palace to pray for the emperor and the Autumn Kingdom.

Everyone in the palace said that Concubine Hui was smart enough.

This is telling the Queen that he has no intention of competing for favor.

saved his life.

also gave the third prince a splendid future.

Anyway, the current third prince, Qiu Mo, is indeed favored by the emperor. He is born smart, and is the prince under the queen's name. It is very likely that he will become the prince in the future.

And the queen is also very good to the third prince.

As for the original owner, he was dumb and stupid, and his brain was not very good.

But because under the Queen's knees.

is another little princess who is not favored. She doesn't threaten anyone, so no one cares about her.

The days go by day by day.

But the good times don’t last long.

The face of the original owner is very good.

A few years later, it was even more outstanding. The fifth princess, Qiu Wu, who claimed to be the number one beauty, immediately became cruel when she saw her.

Not long after, the original owner died.

In addition to the main quest related to Ye Zhu, this time, she also has a side quest - live well.

As for revenge... the original owner never thought about it.

Chacha thought about it.

The original owner, who was a bit stupid, couldn't think of revenge, seems to understand?

But it doesn't matter, she will help get revenge.

She thought about the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and then thought about the delicious food.

Think about the miserable Yezhu again.

There is also a silly original owner.

She quickly made a decision.

She decided to compete for favor!

Only by being favored by the emperor and queen, can the status be stable and can occupy a place in the palace.

And the identity of the original owner compared with the third prince, in front of the queen, obviously has an advantage!

There is a Concubine Hui behind the third prince. It is difficult to guarantee that after gaining power, he will not kick the Queen and turn his head to send Concubine Hui to a high position.

(end of this chapter)