Chapter 720: Proton don't blacken (5)

Chapter 720 Protons Don't Blacken (5)

Chacha is thinking.

heard the seventy-seven secluded paths.

[Chacha, you guessed it right, the third prince will really kick the queen away and join forces with Concubine Hui. According to the previous plot development, it will indeed be like this. 】

Chacha, " just say, what else is there that I don't know."

I think the information you gave me is incomplete.

Qiqi fell silent, and soon, it explained.

【Oh, it would be boring to say it all~]

Chacha, "Then stop talking."

I don't want to talk to you.



Chacha divided half of his dinner to Yezhu, and then packed it in a food box.

After she ate her share, she quickly carried the food box and ran to Ye Zhu's dilapidated hall.

Which material.

Before he stepped in, he heard a burst of laughter.

She was taken aback, and quickly put the food box into her space.

Qiqi is full of question marks.

Chacha’s space looks huge, doesn’t it?

Not only can it hold small snacks, but even the food box can be thrown into it? ? ?

Cha Cha ran in with his short legs.

Then he saw Qiu Mo standing not far away, looking down at Ye Zhu who was being beaten on the ground.

Qiu Mo is really smart.

Hit people never do it yourself.

didn't say anything about letting the people around him do it, he just said a few words politely, and some people figured out his thoughts and started to attack Ye Zhu.

He stood there like a spectator who had nothing to do with him.

The one who attacked Ye Zhu the most was Zhou Shen, the prince of Yue Kingdom.

Zhou Shen is not the most favored in Yue Kingdom, but he is also a prince who enjoys endless glory and wealth, and is held in the palm of his own mother and concubine.

But because the water country sent protons.

Yueguo also sent him over, so he couldn't fall behind Shuiguo.

So, Zhou Chen put his hatred on Ye Zhu. If the water country hadn't sent the protons, then the moon country would not have sent the protons to the autumn country.

If there were no such things, he would still be eating, drinking and enjoying the Moon Kingdom.

And in front of him, there happened to be Ye Zhu, the prince of the Water Kingdom, and he couldn't do anything to the Water Kingdom himself, so he regarded Ye Zhu as an enemy.

Every time Qiu Mo chatted a few words, Zhou Chen would run over angrily and attack Ye Zhu.

at this time.

Zhou Shenzheng kicked Ye Zhu angrily.

While beating and scolding, "It's all because of you that I separate from my mother and concubine! You idiot who no one wants, beat you to death!"

Cha Cha's white and tender face sank fiercely.

She rolled up her sleeves, and without saying a word, rushed up and kicked Zhou Chen's calf, immediately knocking Zhou Chen to the ground.

"Who kicked me!" he roared.

A few people around Ye Zhu who had attacked Ye Zhu also stopped and looked at Zhou Shen.

Several people looked at each other, and their eyes fell on the white dumpling who appeared out of nowhere.

Qiu Mo recognized at a glance that Bai Tuanzi was Qiu Cha of the Seventh Princess.

Qiu Mo, "What is Sister Qihuang doing here?"

Zhou Shen realized her identity, and soon remembered the rumors that Qiu Cha, the seventh princess, had a bad mind and was not favored, and was under the queen's lap.

Oh, my brain is not good!

He sneered and took a step forward, "You kicked me?"

Chacha ignored him, only thought that this little child had a hole in her head. As an adult, if she cares about a bear child, her worth is too low.

She turned her head and pulled Ye Zhu up from the ground. After seeing that he had a new injury, her black and white eyes became a little more unhappy.

Can a child beat and bully anyone casually?

No one to discipline?

Then she helps with discipline!

saves you from making bigger mistakes in the future.

Qiqi, [...Didn't you say that arguing with the bear child will lose your worth? 】

Chacha, "Oh, did I say it? I didn't say it, you heard it wrong."

What should I do if the bear child is disobedient?

Of course it's a beating!

(end of this chapter)