Chapter 730: Proton Don't Blacken (15)

Chapter 730 Protons Don't Blacken (15)

Chacha made such a fuss in Shangshu Pavilion.

The people who went to the bookstore didn't dare to attack Ye Zhu again.

After all, even Zhou Shen has become extraordinarily quiet and honest.

The third prince, Qiu Mo, changed his method every day to show his love to tea and leaves.

I don't know and thought that he really regarded the two as relatives. Chacha saw Qiu Mo taking the initiative to bring it to the door, but she did not refuse. Since Qiu Mo was so active, she had to help Ye Zhu get some interest back.

Occasionally, she would ask the third prince to personally go to the imperial kitchen to help her carry pastries, or find some fun.

The three princes responded one by one.

Even Zhou Shen sometimes helps out with errands.

Chacha has become the little overlord of Shangshu Pavilion.

Xiaobawangcha looked blank, um, wait, this development doesn't seem right.

She guessed that Zhou Chen and the third prince should be holding back their big moves, waiting to deal with her and Ye Zhu, so she dragged Ye Zhu every day, running back and forth between Shangshu Pavilion and Yuqing Palace, like a child. upside down.

The only thing that made her feel helpless was Ye Zhu.

Even after getting along for so long, Ye Zhu still has very few words.

One day without saying a word.

A sentence is never more than ten words.

Even his expression rarely changed, like a paralyzed face, occasionally a little pitiful.

Chacha, "..." This kid is probably stupid.

Another time passed.

The third prince and Zhou Shen still hadn't attacked Cha Cha and Ye Zhu.

Cha Cha dragged his chin in confusion.

"Yezhu, why don't they start?"

It stands to reason that the third prince can calm down, she barely understands, but Zhou Chen doesn't seem like a person who can calm down.

Ye Zhu's eyes flashed slightly, and he put the peeled orange in front of her, "Eat."

Cha Cha looked down at the orange, um, peeled it cleanly, "..."

Yezhu sat across from her and watched the white dumplings in front of him become brighter after eating the oranges. He lowered his head, took another orange and started peeling it.

Cha Cha lay on the table and stared blankly at Ye Zhu.

I don't seem to know when it started.

Yezhu especially likes to feed her.

is like raising a rabbit, and it is sent to her again and again.

He watched the oranges he peeled and put them in front of Cha Cha. Cha Cha stretched out his hand and opened it, and handed it to Ye Zhu, "It's very sweet, you can try it."

Yezhu stared at the little girl's white and tender fingers in a daze.

has not reached out to take it.

Cha Cha tilted his head and handed it to him again.

The little boy lowered his eyes and opened his mouth to bite.

Cha Cha was stunned, "..."

How can you be so lazy!

Even eat an orange and ask her to feed it by herself!

The little girl snorted twice, withdrew her hand and squeezed the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and handed it to his lips. Sure enough, he lowered his head and took a bite.

His jet-black phoenix eyes were bright, as if dyed with starlight.

There are two things about feeding.

After this day.

inexplicably turned into tea and fed Ye Bamboo.

chacha, “…”

She looked at the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in her hand, and then at Ye Zhu who was staring at her.

time flies.

And Zhou Shen finally couldn't hold it any longer.

When he found out that Ye Zhu would eat whatever Chacha feeds, he moved his mind.

this day.

In the bookstore.

A **** sent a food box over.

In the food box, there are some cakes and the like.

Ever since Cha Cha was favored.

The imperial kitchen will give her some cakes to eat every day.

She happily opened the food box, the pastries are exquisite and fragrant, which are all her favorites.

Suddenly, the round eyes gleamed, "Hey, there are new cakes in the imperial kitchen."

She reached out and squeezed a piece, it tasted good.

immediately shouted, "Yezhu, try this."

(end of this chapter)