Chapter 731: Proton don't blacken (16)

Chapter 731 Protons Don't Blacken (16)

Leaf Bamboo looked up.

looked at the pastry in Bai Danzi's hand with no expression.

It smells really fragrant.

the other side.

Zhou Shenzheng stared at the interaction between the two of them.

Yezhu glanced at the white and tender little girl, he opened his mouth, and as usual, quietly waited for her to feed.

The slender and rounded fingertips held the cake and sent it to Ye Zhu's mouth.

is about to reach the lips.

Cha Cha smiled suddenly and withdrew his hand.

"I suddenly don't want to feed you. These days, Zhou Chen and the third brother have been working very hard, and they are very good to us. I decided to give them this cake!"

The little girl stood up happily and came to Zhou Chen and the third prince with a plate.

Zhou Shen's face turned pale immediately.

Subconsciously, he shrank back.

Do not!

Obviously, Cha Cha didn't care about Zhou Shen's actions.

She carried the plate and brought it to the two of them, her moist eyes full of seriousness, "Third brother, you should try a piece first."

The third prince who knew there was a problem with the pastry, "..."

He glanced at Cha Cha with a heavy gaze, his seventh sister was really his nemesis.

He looked at Zhou Shen with a calm expression, "Zhou Shen has breakfast, let him eat it."

heard the words.

Chacha obediently brought the cake to Zhou Shen.

"Hey, here it is! You didn't eat breakfast, you must eat it all up, don't waste my heart, you know, even Ye Zhu didn't have the chance to eat so many pastries from me, this time , even if it's cheap for you!"

Zhou Shen, "..." I don't really want to covet this cheap.

Seeing that many people's eyes fell on him.

Zhou Shen opened his mouth and stumbled.

"Seventh Princess, I, I don't like sweets..."

Hearing this, Cha Cha immediately froze.

Put the pastry on Zhou Shen's table.

"Nonsense, I've seen you eat a lot of cakes before, so I'll bring the cakes to you and the third brother, and the third brother is worried that you will be hungry, so I let you enjoy this cake alone.

Zhou Shen, if you look down on me, just say it straight, you don't need to make so many excuses.

Humph, I get it, your gestures these days are not sincere at all. If they were sincere, how could you not show me face and make me look ugly in front of so many people? "

The little girl pouted and left Zhou Chen's seat with a hum.

She walked to Ye Zhu's side and tugged at his sleeve aggrievedly, "Come on, let's go back, I'm going to find my father and mother..."

Xiao Tuanzi said: If you disagree, you will file a complaint!

Zhou Shen's face turned pale, "No!"

He shouted and stood up in a panic, his reaction was obviously a little excited.

Cha Cha turned his head and stared at him with black and white eyes, clear and translucent, but it seemed that he could clearly see all the thoughts in his heart...

Zhou Shen knew in his heart that what happened this time could not be brought to the emperor and queen by her.

"I, I...I'll finish all these pastries right now." He grabbed a handful of pastries tremblingly, stuffed them into his mouth, stuffed two pieces, and spat them out without swallowing.

woo woo woo.

is poisonous and cannot be eaten.

Except the top piece of pastry is non-toxic, the rest are poisonous.

Cha Cha frowned and looked at him with a sneer in his eyes.

She beckoned, and someone came over immediately.

"You two hold him down for me, and I'll feed him myself!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Chen fell to his knees and cried, "I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong..."

(end of this chapter)