Chapter 736: Proton don't blacken (21)

Chapter 736 Protons Don't Blacken (21)

Not only Zhou Shen felt that Ye Zhu was not suitable for these.

Even the commander felt that Ye Zhu was not suitable.

To put it in an ugly way, that is the stupidity of aptitude...

Cha Cha pondered for a while, took a plate of pastries from Zhou Shen, and then waved to him.

"Let's go, the next scene is not suitable for you to watch."

Zhou Shen, "???"

Not quite suitable for viewing?

Zhou Shen subconsciously cast a sympathetic look at Ye Zhu.

is over.

It must be that Ye Zhu was so stupid that the Seventh Princess lost her patience. In anger, she planned to teach Ye Zhu a lesson!

It is estimated that the next scene will be very bloody.

Thinking about this, Zhou Shen quickly left.

For fear of running late, I would be beaten with Ye Zhu...

After Zhou Shen left, only Ye Zhu and Cha Cha were left in the yard.

Cha Cha pinched the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and looked at Ye Zhu slowly, with a bit of threat in his eyes.

"If you don't practice well, I'll hit you."

She took a bite of the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, her pretty face bulging into a ball.

The boy stood there and paused.

Facing the sun, he could still feel the coldness emanating from him.

"Yezhu, did you hear what I said?"

Chacha shouted again.

The young man in front of him had a fairer complexion. During this time, he was well-raised in the Yuqing Palace.

The    queen is also nice to them.

Aside from other things, the Queen will definitely take good care of them in the past few years.

Naturally, you don’t need to worry about what you usually eat.

And she was favored by the emperor, she just said a few words, there were a lot of people galore.

As long as the queen is not stupid, she will not turn against her.

At the same time, she also intends to take advantage of the past few years to let Ye Zhu study hard and improve her ability.

Only in this way, after returning to the water country in the future, can he not be bullied and take what belongs to him.

And now.

Ye Zhu's progress, she was very worried.

This archery is also a bit too slow to learn.

If the queen does not see the value of his use, it is estimated that after a long time, she will no longer care about him.

When the time comes, it will be difficult for the queen to continue to nurture him...

The two looked at each other silently for a while.

Ye Zhu turned around, with a vigorous posture, and the sharp arrow flew out in his hand.

In the next instant, on the target not far away, the arrow hit the red heart.

Cha Cha's eyes flashed, "..."

Well, that's awesome.

She immediately put another piece of pastry in her mouth, then slowly walked down the steps, came to Ye Zhu, and stuffed the rest of the pastry into his arms.

looked at him with round eyes, and said softly, "Practice well, you have to grasp a certain degree, and slowly think about it."

dropped this sentence, Cha Cha turned and left.

Leave Yezhu alone in the yard.

"Qiqi, I really didn't expect that at such a young age, he already knew how to pretend to be stupid... Tsk tsk, it's just too much."

If you put it on again, the Queen may feel that Ye Zhu is worthless.

Once it is worthless, it will be discarded.

But if the performance is too good, it will make the queen feel that it is difficult to control, so ah, you must grasp a certain degree...

Qiqi, [Ah, the scheming is deep! dog man! 】

Chacha, "... Qiqi, he's only ten years old, he's still young, he's just protecting himself by doing this. If the queen sees his outstanding talent, maybe the queen will solve it directly."

Qiqi, [………I don’t quite understand, let the queen think that he can be used, but can’t he be too good? Isn't this a contradiction? 】

(end of this chapter)