Chapter 737: Proton don't blacken (22)

Chapter 737 Protons Don't Blacken (22)

Chacha shook his head, "Qiqi, you don't understand.

Yezhu is the prince of the Water Kingdom. If he is too good, the Queen will worry that if he returns to the Water Kingdom in the future, he will be out of control.

This is equivalent to wasting your time on him.

Those in high positions do not like things or people and are out of their control.

But if he is not excellent and is too stupid, the queen will feel that he is of no use value and will not spend any more effort on training.

And if Ye Bamboo is not cultivated, what can he figure out by pondering blindly by himself?

He needs the resources given by the queen, such as the commander of the Royal Forest Army, and for example, those gentlemen in the bookstore...

Therefore, he must master it to the right degree.

makes the queen feel that he can be cultivated, and at the same time, that he is easy to control. "

Qiqi listened to Chacha babbling a lot, and then it was stunned, [… ]

I don’t really understand these twists and turns.

is too difficult for this system.

It still continues to read some materials, only in this way can it improve its level.

Otherwise, it will not be able to communicate normally with its tea tea.

After this day.

Zhou Shen suddenly found out.

Yezhu seems to have finally improved.

Even the commander praised a lot, as if he had finally found the trick and found his own way.

Zhou Shen looked at Ye Zhu with more and more distress.

can progress so fast.

It seems that day, after he left.

Yezhu was beaten badly.

At the same time, the queen also received a report from the commander.

Since it is not too stupid, you can continue to cultivate.

"Niangniang, the third prince is here again." The confidant court lady beside her reminded.

The queen raised her eyebrows, "Has he been secretly looking for Concubine Hui recently?"

Shuangshuang, "After the last time, the third prince has never seen Concubine Hui again."

Queen   , "Very good, since he is under my knees, then he should understand that the only one he can rely on now is me, go and tell the third prince, and let him go there tomorrow to study with the seventh princess."



The next day.

After the course at Shangshuge is over.

The third prince also followed Cha Cha to see the commander.

Chacha glanced at the third prince, "Third brother, do you want to learn archery too?"

The Third Prince, "Yes, Seventh Sister, the Queen Mother asked me to come with you."

Cha Cha showed a particularly sweet smile, "The third brother has to work hard, otherwise he won't be able to keep up with the progress of the rest of us and will have to drag back..."

Zhou Shen couldn't hold back his laughter, and then echoed, "Don't worry, the seventh princess, the third prince is born smart, and I believe he will catch up with us soon."

The third prince who was born intelligent, "..."

Pi smiled and looked at Zhou Chen without smiling, to be honest, he really couldn't answer this.

admitted that he was smart, and if he couldn't keep up with the progress, he might be ridiculed again.

If you refute this, don’t you have to admit that you are stupid again?

He frowned, looked away, and passed the three of them.

Zhou Chen smiled and watched the third prince eat deflated, tsk, happy!

I feel that since he became the Seventh Princess' valet, his life seems to have reached the peak, and he can achieve everything he wants and succeed in anything.

is not like following the third prince before.

I didn’t succeed in anything, I was punished, I was thinking about it, and my life was very miserable…

Alas, that's great.

He would be happier if he could have one more valet around him and keep him from being at the bottom, but unfortunately, after searching for many days, he could not find the right one.

Zhou Shen's eyes fell strangely on the third prince.

Soon, he took the idea back.

It's scary, he's really been too flirtatious recently, the third prince is his little follower? How dare he even think about it? ? ?

ah ah ah ah, it's crazy.

This thought quickly got out of his mind! ! !

(end of this chapter)