Chapter 742: Proton don't blacken (27)

Chapter 742 Protons Don't Blacken (27)

Ye Zhu heard the words, his eyes flickered.

It turned out that she only had him in her heart?

The three princes and Zhou Shen are nothing?

The annoyance and displeasure in the chest were almost instantly relieved.

He thought about it for a while, but still felt it was too dreamy, and said cautiously.

"I-I want to hear you say it yourself."

chacha, "..."

Hmm, did Little Pity make a request to her?

Of course he is pampering him!

She wants to pet him along with him, give him everything he wants, not only that, but also let him feel warmth and love, so as not to blacken.

So, of course she agreed to his request!

Besides, it was such a simple little request.

"Brother Ye, don't worry, I really only have you in my heart."

As for Zhou Shen and the third prince.

Part of her reason is that she wants Ye Zhu to have more contact with people.

Ye Zhu got the promise, reached out to hold her little hand, and looked at her solemnly.

That is the emotion that Cha Cha has never seen in Ye Zhu's eyes, like it contains stars.

Yezhu said, "You must remember what you said, because I will always remember it in my heart and remember it for a lifetime." The voice was serious and serious.

Cha Cha nodded and replied, "Mmmm."

She thought about it and added.

"Don't worry about these little things in the future, and don't worry, the third brother and Zhou Chen are almost able to liven up the atmosphere, and I won't accept other little followers."

I didn't know that their role was actually just to activate the atmosphere. Zhou Chen and the third prince were noisy in the martial arts training ground.

Tossing around every day, the entire martial arts field is the voice of the two of them.

Yezhu's eyes were filled with joy.

He happily squeezed the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and fed it to Chacha.

"Eat more to grow taller."

Cha Cha took a look at Ye Zhu's height, then looked at himself, and immediately ate a few more osmanthus cakes.

Well, she could clearly feel that Ye Zhu was much taller than her.


Among several people, only she is the shortest.

She has to work hard to grow taller and have long legs!


Spring goes to autumn.

Year after year.

Eight years later.

Martial Arts Field.

The eighteen-year-old Zhou Chen is already a handsome young man, but unfortunately, he has not grown into a gentle and jade-like appearance.

He glanced at the third prince, who was much taller than himself, and was very depressed.

Never thought.

In the past few years, he has been crushed by the third prince and has no way to escape.

Alas, now he can't beat the third prince in a fight, he can't read better than the third prince, his looks can't compare to the third prince, and he can't match his height...

It was over, he was depressed.

He was so miserable.

Unfortunately, someone added fuel to the fire.

The third prince said lightly, "Your father sent a letter a few days ago, and it is estimated that you will be taken back to Yueguo soon."

Zhou Shen looked indifferent, "...Oh."

did not want to go back.

After all, he has been in the Autumn Kingdom all these years, and he is really not used to letting him go back, and he has never thought of going back.

He was sent here cruelly back then, but in fact he may not be that important.

on the steps.

Someone has been holding the cake for ten years.

The little girl is no longer a white and tender dumpling.

Slim, graceful, standard beauty, it can almost be said that the country is alluring.

Slim white fingers pinched the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and brought it to the lips of the boy next to him, "Are you going back to the Water Country too?"

"Well, I'll be back in a few days." Ye Zhu replied with no ups and downs.

The long and narrow phoenix eyes were dark, like an abyss.

If he goes back to the water country, there will be a **** storm.

(end of this chapter)