Chapter 743: Proton Don't Blacken (28)

Chapter 743 Protons Don't Blacken (28)

Cha Cha said softly, "How long will it be in a few days?"

She tilted her head and looked at the boy beside her.

Or, will she follow him to the Water Country?

But the Queen Mother will definitely not agree.

She thought of a way.

The people in the water country will definitely bully Ye Zhu. He is so miserable and weak. If he goes back alone, he will probably look like a pitiful little boy. Those who are bullied don't know the east, west, north, south, and south.

Thinking so, she became even more worried.

Seeing that Ye Zhu did not answer her.

She said again worriedly, "Or I will let the third brother take you back in person."

At that time, when the people from the Water Kingdom met the third prince, they would definitely guess that Ye Zhu and the third prince had a very good relationship. As a result, even if they attacked Ye Zhu, they would have some scruples.

Ye Zhu's delicate eyebrows raised slightly, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

After all these years, he is no longer the Yezhu he used to be.

In the water country, he has long cultivated his own power, although this power is still relatively weak, but today is different from the past.

He had nothing to fear.

The conversation between the two was overheard by the third prince and Zhou Chen.

They stopped arguing immediately and looked at Ye Zhu in astonishment.

glanced at the little cutie on the steps with a subtle look.

Tsk, in the past few years, it is estimated that she is the only one who still feels that Ye Zhu is innocent and pitiful.

What, in fact, is a black heart.


Love makes people blind.

This sentence really makes sense.

When the seventh sister faced Ye Zhu, she was completely blind.

But these words, no matter who they are, will not say it unless they want to make themselves uncomfortable.

Besides, Yezhu has been doing well in recent years...

As long as they keep a certain distance from Seventh Sister and don't overdo it, basically, Ye Zhu will not attack them.

Zhou Shen and the third prince looked at each other and left the training ground.

Leave alone time for those two.

Desire to survive, this kind of thing is a must have...

Chacha was worried and talked a lot to Ye Zhupapa.

Even she herself was a little speechless.

She, a person who speaks few words, actually wants to talk so much?

Alas, I can't help it, it's all my fault for being too pitiful.

She has to take good care of him.

Suddenly, she remembered something and asked softly, "What did the queen ask you for this morning?"

Mentioning the queen, Ye Zhu's eyes darkened a little, making it difficult to detect.

"It's nothing, just a few words, she will go back to the water country in a few days, she is worried..."

"Oh." Are you worried? That's really worrying, Cha Cha whispered, "She has put so much thought into you, she must want you to repay her."

Ye Zhu's eyes were stained with a little smile.

She, tell him everything.

Especially the queen, almost every time the queen did, she would grab him and analyze it quietly.

That small appearance is so cute.

It is precisely because of this that he is more and more sure that she is good to him, which is not the same as the queen's use.

She was really good to him.

How can the queen be compared?

However, if the queen knew that her plan had not yet been implemented, the little cutie grabbed him and analyzed the purpose over and over again, and thought of a perfect countermeasure. It is estimated that the queen would be so angry that she vomited blood on the spot.

He looked at her with a smile, "Then have you ever thought about how I would repay you? Over the years, I have been shielding me from the wind and rain, and I have nothing to live with. You say, how can this be good?"

Cha Cha's round eyes rolled around, and there was nothing in his body, so he couldn't repay him.

She stared at Ye Zhu, "Then how do you repay me?"

Beautiful eyes, blinking, blinking, Ye Zhuxin was almost turned into cuteness by her.

(end of this chapter)