Chapter 751: Proton don't blacken (36)

Chapter 751 Protons Don't Blacken (36)

In order to show respect and sincerity to the Moon Kingdom and the Water Kingdom, the royal father specially asked him to pick up people in person.

After all, now, it is not like before, the water country and the moon country are gradually becoming stronger, not a small country that the autumn country can bully at will.

If the three of them have a good relationship, there will be no need to fight in the future, and they will live in peace, avoiding the suffering of the people being displaced...

Cha Cha looked at the figure that Qiu Mo left, turned around, and planned to go back to his palace. Just after taking two steps, a gentle and sweet voice came from behind.

"Seventh sister, where are you going?"

Cha Cha paused and looked back at the person who came.

The visitor was surrounded by a group of court ladies, with meticulous make-up, graceful and luxurious, and the golden steps with a faint luster on their hair trembled.

And this person is none other than Qiu Wu, the fifth princess who killed the original owner.

Qiuwu looked at Chacha with a smile.

One sip and one Seventh Sister, who didn't know how familiar they thought.

However, Cha Cha just glanced at it, turned and left without looking back.

Well, I am uneasy and kind.

Besides, she and Qiuwu are mortal enemies.

In order to avenge the original owner, she provokes Qiu Wu a lot.

Tsk, since she was favored, she calmly suppressed Qiuwu several times.

There were several times when Qiuwu wanted to attack her, but she was either avoided by her, or Qiuwu had an accident himself.

I don't know if it's because of the scourge left behind for thousands of years. Qiu Wu has been alive until now, and even Cha Cha is very surprised. However, since she is still alive and alive, and she is also the fifth princess of the Qiu Kingdom, then she will slowly bring it on.

Qiu Wu looked at the departing figure with hatred in his eyes.

If there was no Qiu Cha, she would be the most beloved princess by her father, but Qiu Cha took everything from her, she was more beautiful than her, could coax her father, and was more painful than her, even the third brother was right Autumn tea is excellent.

She thought hard about what she wanted, but autumn tea was easy to get.

How could she not hate it?


The birthday of the Emperor of the Autumn Kingdom was extremely lively.

Most of the daughters of the princes and generals have arrived. Not only that, but the Shuiguoyueguo is not only represented by Ye Zhu and Zhou Shen, but also many princes and princesses behind them.

On the bright side, it is indeed a birthday celebration.

But in fact, they all wanted to take this opportunity to get to know more people.

Especially the princes and princesses.

The three kingdoms must have a marriage.

Naturally, many people's eyes were on Qiu Mo, Prince of Qiu Kingdom, Ye Zhu, Prince of Water Kingdom, and Zhou Shen, Prince of Yue Kingdom.

Cha Cha followed and sat next to the prince, while on the other side of her was Qiu Wu, and behind Qiu Wu were some unloved princes and princesses in Qiu Kingdom.

She glanced at the father and mother above, and couldn't help but curled her lips, "Qiqi, you say, are they going to sell me or Qiuwu?"

Qiqi, [Probably want to sell the two of you, Zhou Chen and Ye Zhu each buy one...]

Chacha, "Qiqi, you've become smarter, but, in my impression, Qiu Wu and Zhou Chen met in the palace, but they didn't know each other well and didn't talk to each other."

Furthermore, Zhou Chen will never take a fancy to Qiuwu.

Although Zhou Chen is blind, he is not really blind.


Cha Cha tilted his head to look at Qiu Mo, smiling with frowning eyes.

"Third brother, the royal father intends to take this opportunity to choose a concubine for you, do you like it?"

Qiu Mo, "..."

"You'd better worry about you and Ye Zhu."

He glanced at Qiu Wu meaningfully, signaling her to pay more attention.

The thoughts of the father, the emperor and the mother are not so simple.

(end of this chapter)