Chapter 752: Proton Don't Blacken (37)

Chapter 752 Protons Don't Blacken (37)

Cha Cha was stunned.

soon realized something.

She nodded, her eyes flashing slightly, "Thank you third brother for reminding me."

She looked up at the queen above.

sighed inwardly.

Alas, these days the queen has been quiet and not doing anything. It seems that she can't be idle and wants to find something for them to do.

When Zhou Shen brought the congratulations from the people of Yueguo, Chacha noticed that many princesses seemed to be very interested in him, and Qiu Wu, who was next to her, did not even raise his head.

Until Ye Zhu appeared, Qiu Wu raised his head sharply, obviously very interested in her Ye Zhu.

Cha Cha was heartbroken.

? ? ?

This is so special, Qiuwu has a crush on Yezhu?

That's the one she raised!

Raised for eight years!

Is    someone Qiu Wu can casually covet?

She looked at Ye Zhu with a dark face, very unhappy.

seems to feel Chacha's sight, Ye Zhu looked in the direction of Chacha, and his eyes paused.

His emotions have always been well concealed, but she is the only one who can always let his emotions leak out.

Although it only paused for a while, and then quickly retracted it, many people still noticed that Ye Zhu was looking at Cha Cha, but Cha Cha was so far away from Qiuwu that many people did not know whether Ye Zhu was looking at Cha Cha. Still watching Qiuwu...

The queen whispered to the emperor at the right time, "How does your majesty think of Prince Yezhu?"

The emperor nodded.

"It is very good. In my opinion, it is comparable to Mo'er."

The queen nodded cooperatively, thinking in her heart, it’s not that they are comparable, Ye Zhu is even more powerful than Qiu Mo, but she is especially good at covering up.

Even she did not expect that Ye Zhu could become a prince in such a short period of time.

"Between Your Majesty, Wuer and Chacha, which one is more compatible?"

When the emperor heard this, he smiled in a good mood, "Zhou Chen and Ye Zhu are the ones I grew up with you, Cha Cha and Wu'er are my favorite daughters, so I naturally want to find them one. A good match."

The Queen continued.

"Wu'er is smart and thoughtful.

Although   Chacha is smart, he is still a child.

Prince Yezhu was very thoughtful and hard to see through.

And Prince Zhou Shen was not in the mood.

Your Majesty, don't blame the concubine for favoring Chacha, the concubine feels that the relationship between Chacha and Zhou Chen has been very good since childhood, if they marry, Chacha will not be wronged, and Zhou Chen is also willing to listen to Chacha's words..."

The emperor put down the wine glass in his hand, and his eyes passed over Cha Cha and Qiu Wu.

"The queen and I thought of going together."

The Queen smiled knowingly.

looked at Ye Zhu and Zhou Shen thoughtfully.

Yezhu likes tea, she knows it.

However, Ye Zhu concealed his strength in front of her for so long.

She naturally asked Ye Zhu to pay the price.

If anything in this world can be realized according to Ye Zhu's mind, wouldn't it be too unfair?

Want to be with Chacha?

Then she will let them never be together.

and Zhou Shen are brothers?

Then let's turn each other into enemies!

Anyway, once Chacha marries Zhou Shen in the future, Yueguo Qiuguo will become a marriage, and Chacha, Zhou Shen and Qiu Mo will definitely stand by her.

When the time comes, even if the water country wants to do something, it will have to see if there is the strength to compete with the two countries!

The queen    gave Qiu Wu a wink at the right time.

After Qiu Wu received it, she looked at Ye Zhu with scorching eyes, and she didn't hide it at all. She lifted the wine glass with her slender fingers and looked at Ye Zhu opposite, "When I see you today, the Prince of Shui Kingdom is really beautiful, I don't know if the prince can Have……"

Yezhu did not wait for Qiu Wu to finish speaking, but coldly refused, "No."

Qiuwu's face stiffened, and the wine glass in his hand became hot.

This... is too disrespectful to her?

(end of this chapter)