Chapter 754: Proton don't blacken (39)

Chapter 754 Protons Don't Blacken (39)

After the banquet is over.

The crowd dispersed.

Each home.

Shuiguo and Yueguo people have arranged accommodation in Qiuguo, rest for a night, wait until tomorrow, and then set off again.

The matter of Ye Zhu and the Seventh Princess became the focus of discussion.

The marriage between the Prince of the Water Kingdom and the Princess of the Autumn Kingdom is a very good thing. Besides, these two people can be regarded as a perfect match regardless of their appearance or status.

Of course, it is more that the children of the noble family and the noble daughters are heartbroken. The seventh princess is about to get married, and they have no chance.

Prince Yezhu also has a sweetheart, and they have no chance.

Alas, how can a miserable character be able to speak?

Ye Zhu and Zhou Shen were not in a hurry to leave Qiuguo and planned to stay in Qiuguo for a few days.

Yezhu naturally wanted to discuss his marriage with Chacha, while Zhou Shen was unwilling to return to Yueguo, messing up a bunch of messy things and annoying him all day long.

Zhou Shen originally planned to follow Qiu Mo back to the dormitory, and asked Qiu Mo to give him advice by the way. As a result, both of them were invited by the emperor and said that they had something to talk about.

And Cha Cha was invited by the Queen's people.

said he wanted to discuss marriage with her.

Cha Cha pondered for a while, okay, let’s discuss things first, and after the discussion is over, go to Yuqing Palace to chat with Ye Zhu.

Yezhu went to Yuqing Palace to rest as before.

at the same time.

Qiuwu's eyes were a little grim, "Is it possible for the mother to arrange it properly?"

The Queen nodded, "Naturally, the arrangement has been made properly. Those who should be transferred have already been transferred. This time, only success is allowed, not failure. If you fail, you should know what the consequences will be.

At that time, this palace will not have anything to do with you..."

Qiuwu looked serious, "Don't worry, my mother, this plan will definitely succeed. Even if it really fails, I will not implicate my mother. After all, my mother has already helped me a lot."

Thinking of what would happen later, she felt a sense of revenge in her heart.

She can not only get revenge on Chacha, but also get what she wants.

really kills two birds with one stone.


"Empress mother, you raised the seventh princess, I still don't quite understand, how could you help me?" Qiu Wu was a little puzzled.

It was the Queen who took the initiative to find her.

She didn't believe that the queen would help her at all, but as things developed completely out of her imagination, and they were still moving towards unpredictable situations, she was not well.

This plan is also unfolding in an instant!

She couldn't watch Ye Zhu and Cha Cha together.

Why do you think about people who have been there for so many years, and treat yourself with disdain, but instead hold the autumn tea in the palm of your hand to protect it?

She doesn't want to see these two happy.

One is the person she loves and the other is the person she hates.

She won't allow them to be together!

Even if Ye Zhu hates her, she will break up Ye Zhu and Qiu Cha.

She will never let Qiu Cha be happy.

The Queen    smiled lightly, "The reason for helping you is very simple, and I don't want to see the two of them together."

Qiuwu smiled and didn't ask any more, "In that case, mother, I'll go to prepare first, here, you still need to buy some more time."

Whatever the queen's purpose is.

Anyway, they all have the same reason, none of them want to see Ye Zhu Qiu Cha together.


When Cha Cha stepped into the palace.

The Queen    looked at her with a smile, and said with emotion, "In the blink of an eye, Cha Cha has grown so big, sigh, if you marry in the water country in the future, the queen mother will not be able to look at you every day..."

While talking, the queen wiped away her tears, looking very sad.

(end of this chapter)