Chapter 755: Proton Don't Blacken (40)

Chapter 755 Protons Don't Blacken (40)

Chacha thought for a moment, blinked, and looked cute.

She said, "The queen mother can see things and think about people in the future. Before I marry the water country, I will leave some small things for the queen mother, so that when the mother misses me, you can look at the things I left, which will definitely ease my emotions. …”

Queen, "..." Are you quite clever?

She sighed silently.

"The mother is afraid that you will not have a good time in the Water Congress..."

Chacha, "How could my mother think like this? I grew up with Ye Zhu. I know what kind of person he is."

Queen, "..." I can't talk about it anymore.

for a moment.

The queen changed the subject and turned to discuss marriage with Cha Cha.


Yuqing Hall.

Yezhu stood in the hall with a gloomy expression.

Now, he got everything he wanted.

Just wait for her to marry him.

After that, he had nothing to ask for.

He once thought of revenge, and once thought of asking his father and mother why they abandoned him and ignored him.

At that time, he lived like an ant in this palace.

Even he thought he would never see the light again in this life.

Until I met her.

She led him out of the darkness.

She led him into the Jade Palace.

He gradually let go of all his defenses.

She also became everything to him.

Think again now.

In fact, in his life, apart from her, he has nothing else to ask for.

And the problems he once thought about are not problems, they are not worth his attention, they are not worth his attention, no matter what happened, he only needs her now, the rest of his life, and her.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps.

Yezhu stopped thinking and turned his head to take a look.

"His Royal Highness, the Seventh Princess is discussing marriage with the Queen's Empress's Palace, and specially asked the servants to bring you some food."


The familiar fragrance drifts away.

Yezhu followed and saw that the table was covered with delicate pastries, including sweet-scented osmanthus cakes and cloud cakes.

In addition, there is a jug of wine.

His eyebrows and eyes flickered slightly, "It's rare that the little princess still remembers me, you go down first."

Immediately, the maid withdrew from the palace.

Yezhu's eyes fell on the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, raised his hand to squeeze a piece, and then sat there and poured a glass of wine.

After a while.

There is another person in the Yuqing Palace.

Qiu Wu walked into the Yuqing Palace with a smile, with a graceful figure, his golden steps trembled, "His Royal Highness, Wu'er came uninvited and came here to apologize to you, what happened at the banquet was Wu'er's fault. , I hope you don't care."

Yezhu put down the wine glass and glanced lightly.

"It's getting late, the fifth princess, please come back."

Qiu Wu's eyes quickly flashed a calculation.

"His Royal Highness, Wu'er sincerely wants to apologize to you, why do you have to refuse me thousands of miles away? Besides, we will be a family in the future..."

After the words fell, the door of the palace was suddenly closed.

Qiuwu looked at him with a smile, and the obsession in his eyes gradually emerged.

Yezhu frowned, his eyes were cold.

"Does the Fifth Princess know the consequences of doing this?"

Qiuwu laughed crisply, "The consequence is that I will marry you, and my seventh sister will get farther and farther away from you, and you will never be able to be together.

Whether His Highness hates me or hates me, why should all the good things in this world belong to Qiu Cha?

What else does she have besides that face? I'm smarter than her, more talented than her, and I'm better than her in everything except my beauty! "

Unfortunately, the father's favorite is the autumn tea.

Even the person she likes likes autumn tea.


She hates, she resents.

If it wasn't for Qiu Cha, she would be the little princess that everyone loves!

(end of this chapter)