Chapter 768: Proton Don't Blacken (53)

Chapter 768 Protons Don't Blacken (53)

Concubine Hui will pay the price for her actions sooner or later.

I have seen someone who was killed, but I have never seen someone like Concubine Hui rushing to death.

Just, I don’t know how Qiu Mo will choose.

Chacha sighed twice, turned around and went back to the room to rest.

The rest will have nothing to do with her in the future.

After marrying the Water Kingdom, all affairs of the Qiu Kingdom will be handled by Qiu Mo...


The Seventh Princess of the Autumn Kingdom and the Prince of the Water Kingdom are married.

The good of Qin and Jin.

The appearance of a talented man and a woman is a match made in heaven.

On the day of the wedding.

The Autumn Kingdom and the Water Kingdom Palace are filled with joyful cheers and the sound of gongs and drums.

Qiu Mo followed him to the Water Country.

And Zhou Shen naturally went too.

But he never thought that the time of marriage would be so early, faster than he imagined, but he can understand, after all, Ye Zhu, the shameless one, has been remembering Chacha for many years...

Now, it can be considered as a wish.

in the palace.

There are dazzling reds everywhere.


Zhou Shen and Qiu Mo are going to get Yezhu drunk, and then make a bridal chamber.


As soon as the two saw Ye Zhu's cold eyes, they quickly took the idea back.

Filling the leaf bamboo with wine?

Forget it, they still want to live a few more days.

Seeing that Zhou Shen and Qiu Mo didn't dare to say anything, naturally, no one else dared to care for the bamboo leaves.

Ye Zhu casually toasted a glass of wine, then turned and left, walking towards his bedroom.

The remaining group of people looked at each other.

woo, I don't even dare to drink this wine, think about it carefully, probably no one dares to go to the bridal chamber.

So, he had to call the crowd to eat and drink.

is just right, without the leaves and bamboo beside, these people can let go a little.

Otherwise, Ye Zhu is like a king of hell, and no one dares to be presumptuous. On the big day, you should be happy and happy...

Zhou Shen seized the opportunity and pulled Qiu Mo.

dragged the person to his side and said, "Come on, come on, we'll see you once, we won't go home if we don't get drunk!"

See you next time, it's really far away.

Zhou Shen was quite emotional.

Qiu Mo looked at Zhou Shen who had not seen him for a long time.

The person in front of me has really changed a lot compared to before.

He lowered his eyes, "Okay, you won't go home if you don't get drunk."

After all, it is impossible to go back to the past.

"We only drink and say nothing else!"

Zhou Shen poured the wine happily, his eyes flashed a strange shimmer, and his eyes were inexplicably red...

The bedroom is covered with red gauze, and the bright red happy characters are dazzling.

The flickering red candle seems to be happy tonight.

When   Yezhu walked in.

At a glance, he saw the little princess sitting beside the bed, wearing a phoenix crown.

The corners of his lips ticked unconsciously, he closed the door, and walked over with a steady pace.

She is his dream in this life.

She is the only light in his life.

No one knows how important she is to him...

Chacha heard the sound of footsteps approaching, she tilted her head, looked at the red in front of her, and said softly, "Yezhu? Quickly lift your hijab, I'm hungry..."

The words are full of grievances.

From Qiu Kingdom to Shui Kingdom, she secretly ate some cakes along the way.

Yezhu's footsteps stopped, his eyes were full of smiles.

"I knew you were going to be hungry, and I have prepared a lot of food for you..."

Hearing the words, Cha Cha's eyebrows and eyes twitched with joy.

He smiled and walked over to lift his red hijab.

His little princess finally became his.

After   , we will never be separated again.

Ye Zhu raised his hand, removed the heavy bead hairpin on her head, and said warmly.

"Call your husband, and I'll have someone bring the food."

Chacha, "???" I think you are taking advantage of me.

But, for food, I can!

"Husband!" she called sweetly.

Well, give me something to eat!

(end of this chapter)