Chapter 769: Proton Don't Blacken (54)

Chapter 769 Protons Don't Blacken (54)

Chacha didn't wait until Yezhu said it was delicious.

Waited for Ye Zhu to be bullied like a storm.

chacha, “…”

What about the poor little one?

What about delicious food?


The next day.

It was not until three poles in the sun that Cha Cha got up from the bed.

"Awake?" Ye Zhu said warmly.

Cha Cha glanced at Ye Zhu, who was well-dressed next to him, pursed his lips, ignored him, lowered his head, and slowly put on his clothes.

Ye Zhu seemed to think of something, a smirk appeared in his eyes, and it was fleeting, he walked over and wanted to reach out to help her.

However, the slender fingers just reached out.

was knocked down with a bang.

She didn't exert much effort, but the sound was very loud, and the back of Ye Zhu's beaten hand also quickly turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yezhu sighed.

withdrew his hand and apologized directly.

"My fault, next time, I must be gentle."

Chacha made a move, and his face was dyed crimson.

She turned her head and gave him the back of her head, not wanting to pay attention to him.

next time?

Do you want to have a next time?

I said yes, call my husband and give her something delicious, and the result...


When she finished shouting, he ate her.


Thinking of this, she became even more angry.

turned around, stretched out his hand and pushed Ye Zhu who was sitting beside the bed, "Get out!"

Oh, no push?

Push again.

She pushed again, her face was flushed, she didn't know if she was angry or tired.

After pushing for a long time, Ye Zhu was not pushed away.

chacha, “…”


"If you don't leave, I'll leave." She whispered.

Ye Zhu frowned, rubbed her hair, and whispered, "Then I'll go out first, you wash up, and lunch will be served later."

He got up and left the bedroom.

Cha Cha snorted twice.

"Qiqi, do you see it? You can't get used to someone like Ye Zhu. The more you get used to him, the more he will get better and better!"

Qiqi, [...But, didn't you make him look like this back then? 】

He said what he said.

What he wants, she gives...

Isn't that what it is now?

Relying on Cha Cha likes him, he does it every day.

Chacha's eyes flashed unnaturally, "I'm not afraid of him turning black? Such a miserable little pity, of course I want to make him feel warm..."

It's just that now Xiaopo has become a big-tailed wolf.


Yezhu walked around outside to meet Zhou Chen and Qiu Mo, who also slept three poles in the sun.

These two also just woke up.

Hangover for one night, and it seems that the spirit is not very good.

Ye Zhu said lightly, "You guys have a good rest here and go back tomorrow."

Zhou Shen nodded, "I think so too."

Alas, wine, you really can't drink too much.

He glanced at Qiu Mo, who was silent, and stabbed him with his elbow, "What's wrong with you? Haven't woken up yet?"

Qiu Mo shook his head, "It's nothing, I just always feel that something will happen."

was very uneasy.

Zhou Shen, "..." I think you really didn't wake up.

He stood up indifferently and chatted with Ye Zhu again.

"Where's Seventh Sister?"

Yezhu seriously corrected, "I want to call the Crown Princess."

Chacha is hers now, Zhou Chen can no longer call Seventh Sister.

Zhou Shen suddenly felt that bad premonition penetrated into his heart, "Then dare to ask, what about the Crown Princess?"

He looked curiously behind Ye Zhu.

No one was seen.

After this can't be Ye Zhu's crown princess, Ye Zhu won't even let them see her, right?

As if he could sense Zhou Chen's thoughts, Ye Zhu explained aloud, "She just woke up and was very tired last night, so she won't come to talk to you."

Zhou Shen, "..."

Oh, I think you are showing your affection...

(end of this chapter)