Chapter 775: Autistic teenager (3)

Chapter 775 Autistic Teenager (3)

Thinking room.

The door was slammed open.

The Swallow Mother walked in with an unsightly face.

Immediately, he closed the door.

has a menacing look, obviously looking for trouble.

"Listen to me clearly, Su Mu is your sister's boyfriend and will be your brother-in-law in the future.

You'd better stop thinking that you shouldn't have, otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel, you're welcome! "

Chacha took a look at the swallow mother.

was a little speechless.

Neither she nor the original owner had any thoughts about Su Mu.

Even, there is almost no communication.

So, where did the Swallow see that she was interested in Su Mu?

A playboy, she is not blind.

Yan Li and Yan's father and Yan's mother treat people as treasures...

Seeing that Chacha didn't answer, Yanmu was even more angry.

reached out to pinch her ears.

"Tell me about you, like a fool, what else would you do besides drag me down with your dad?

Now that your sister is about to be happy, do you still want to disrupt the situation?

Believe it or not, I will kill you! "

Chacha reacted very quickly, turned to dodge, she looked at Mother Swallow speechlessly.

"You think too much."

Looking at the skillful movement of the swallow mother, she probably often twists the original owner's ear.

Well, it’s so miserable.

Don't know how to escape?

Silly original owner.

Swallow's face became more and more ugly.

This silly daughter not only avoided her, but also said she thought too much?

No matter what she said in the past, the silly daughter would not argue, but now she must have an idea.

That's why I dare to talk to her like this!

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

"I tell you, from now on, you are not allowed to appear in front of Su Mu!"

Chacha, "..." You have a hole in your head!

She emphasized again.

"I don't have any thoughts about Su Mu, and I'm not blind, so it's impossible to see him, so don't worry, no one like him will rob you."

She looks very serious.

Yanmu listened to her words, but felt that her whole person was not well.

This is actually so clever?

But these words can't stand thinking.

she said angrily.

"You speak clearly, are you scolding me and your sister for being blind?"

What a big courage!

Mother swallow's unreasonable anger in her heart was even worse, and she wished to pick up someone and beat her.

I wonder if Chacha is in a good mood.

She tilted her head and said earnestly word by word.

"I didn't say that. You said that you are blind. Well, it's good to have this kind of awareness. I think you can keep it up!"

The ideological awareness is too high!


Yanmu looked at Chacha's twinkling eyes and almost didn't catch her breath.

"go away!"

She actually couldn't tell the fool?

Chacha, "...Although I am versatile, I really can't roll, I can walk, run, and jump, or can you show me how to roll gracefully?"

The Swallow opened her mouth, but said nothing.

stared blankly at the little girl in front of him.

Her daughter, she has not been very talkative since she was a child, she is like a little fool, and she is not likable at all.

I was bullied, and I don’t know how to fight back.

Now, she is actually said to be speechless?

She couldn't even say anything to refute?

for a moment.

Mother Swallow said, "You, are you possessed by something?"

Cha Cha, " really think too much."

she snorted.

bypassed the swallow mother and walked out of the room.

Wait for dinner.

She didn't want to eat at the same table as that Su Mu.

affects her appetite!

Cha Cha happily went downstairs and left Mother Swallow in the room. No matter how Mother Swallow reacted, she did not intend to look back.

(end of this chapter)