Chapter 776: Autistic teenager (4)

Chapter 776 Autistic Teenager (4)

The mother-in-law was very bad to the original owner. Well, those who didn’t know it thought it was a picked daughter.

In Cha Cha's view, the relationship is not good anyway, and it is unlikely to get better in the future.

Even, according to the development of the original plot, she had some doubts, in addition to Yan Li's death, whether Yanmu also secretly helped.

But these, she has no evidence.

The plot that    Qiqi gave her did not mention this either.

Well, to be precise.

What   Qiqi gave her was the lack of various details and a brief version of the plot for various situations.

When Chacha passed the living room.

Yan Li was stunned for a while.

After    reacted, he quickly called out the name of Chacha.

"Chacha? Where are you going?"

Her voice was soft and caring.

Cha Cha didn't even give a look, and left with a proud face.

disappeared in Yan's house with Chacha's figure.

Yan Li looked at Su Mu with some embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry, I made you see a joke, my sister has a weird temper, alas..."

Su Mu shook his head, "It doesn't matter, my girlfriend is you, not her. No matter how weird your temper is, it has nothing to do with me."

Hearing this, Yan Li smiled.

Su Mu is not interested in tea, that's the best.

Otherwise, don't blame her for being cruel.


The Swallow came downstairs.

Seeing Yan Li chatting with Su Mu very happily, she smiled with relief.

The two had a deep relationship, so she was relieved.

She swept around the living room pretending to be inadvertent, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she didn't see Chacha.

Su Mu noticed Mother Yan's gaze, and he said, "Auntie is looking for tea? She just went out and didn't say a word."

Yan Li's eyes flashed slightly.

The smile on   's face did not diminish.

"Mom, Chacha just now, his face was not very good, and his emotions didn't look right. Did something conflict with you?"

Mother Swallow received her look.


"Yeah, this kid always doesn't let me worry, if you are half obedient, I don't have to worry..."

As he spoke, he raised his head and wiped away his tears.

Inexplicably carrying a pile of tea in a pot, "???"

After she walked out of Yan's house.

stood in the doorway for a while.

This is a famous villa area, not a prosperous area, but it is definitely a wealthy area.

The reason why the Yan family can live here.

is also because the Yan family's villa was left by the previous generation.

This villa can also be said to be the most valuable asset of the Yan family.

Cha Cha took a few steps out.

Qiqi suddenly reminded.

【Chacha, look to the left, look, is there a big dumpling there? 】

Cha Cha, "...big dumplings? What adjective is this?"

She took a few steps to the left, and then she saw the big dumpling Qiqi said.

It’s just…

"Qiqi, that's not a big dumpling, that's a person."

is a man huddled in a corner.

She took a few steps forward.

After taking a closer look, he could vaguely see that the clothes on Da Tuanzi's body were exquisitely made, but the clothes were stained with leaves and weeds, as if they had just rolled off the ground.

"What are you doing squatting here?"

Chacha softened his voice, leaned over and whispered.

The big dumpling shrank again, ignoring her.

Chacha, "...I'm not a bad person, can you look up at me?"

Oh, the big dumpling still ignored her.

The whole body is in a state of defense.

Cha Cha stood up deflated.

If you don’t pay attention, don’t pay attention, anyway, it’s not an important person.

It's not hers, so she doesn't have so much patience!

She turned around and took a step when she heard Qiqi wailing.

【Ah ah ah, Cha Cha, he is your main character, you can't go! 】

(end of this chapter)