Chapter 778: Autistic teenager (6)

Chapter 778 Autistic Teenager (6)

When I think of the boy, I don't even remember the way back.

Chacha looked at him with emotion for a while.

Being able to grow up so big and not being kidnapped yet, thinking about it, his family must be heartbroken.

Her thoughts cleared quickly.

asked again.

"Then do you remember your family's contact information?"

The boy shook his head.

looked at her innocently.

I don't know anything written all over my face, I'm innocent...

chacha, “…”

A little headache.

Silly child who can't find a home.

"Then you follow me first?" she asked tentatively.

The young man nodded when he heard the words, his dark eyes moved, and the corners of his lips, which had been pursed, also curved slightly.

Well, didn't you reject her?

Willing to go with her?

It seems that he has a good impression of her.

She stretched out her hand, held his wrist, and led him forward lightly.

As we walked, I told him about the next arrangement. .

"Wait a minute, I'll go to the security room first, tell me about your situation, and I'll leave a contact information.

If your family is looking for you, there will definitely be news soon.

Then, we will go out to find a restaurant for dinner.

could have taken you home, but there is a person in my house, I don't want to see him, after we finish dinner, he is probably about to leave. "

When we walked to the security room.

Cha Cha tilted his head to reassure him, "Stand here and don't move. I'll go in and tell me about the situation, and I'll be out soon."

The boy nodded, innocent and well-behaved.

Chacha couldn't help but tut twice.

So cute!

Wait, I always feel that this development is not right.

Hey, she guessed.

Maybe she can play the role of a domineering president in the future!

She is the boss, he is the poor one!

Chacha, who was full of big dramas in his mind, entered the security room, told the general situation, and left his contact information.

When Cha Cha walked out of the security room.

The boy was standing there obediently waiting for her, and he seemed to be holding something in his hand.

Wait for Cha Cha to walk over.

The things in his hands were already in his pockets.

Chacha, "..." He actually hid something good behind her back?


She couldn't help but reached out and scratched his hair, making a fierce threat.

"I tell you, you said you wanted to follow me. Since you want to follow me, you can't just leave, or I'll shave off all your hair like wool!"

The    boy looked at her in astonishment.

An unknown emotion flashed in his eyes, and his hands were hanging by his side, as if he wanted to grab her claws from his head.

Unfortunately, the wrist moved, but nothing else...

Chacha was very satisfied with his response.

Hmm, the little guy who wants to resist but doesn't dare to resist is so cute!

She took him by the wrist and led him away.

at the same time.

is anxiously looking for the housekeeper of his young master.

Suddenly received a text message.

The text message was sent by the young master.


The butler looked at this text message and stood there dumbfounded for a long time, but he didn't realize what the young master was trying to do.

He hurriedly took his cell phone and ran to find the old man.

The young master has autism.

does not like to contact with outsiders.

The old man and the young master have just moved here, and he has a lot of things on his hands.

And the young master stood outside alone again basking in the sun.

The new environment changed this time, it was hard work, the young master reacted a little, and he naturally wanted to accompany him well.

When he thought of it, he went to bring some water.

In a blink of an eye, the young master was gone.

He was so anxious that he almost cried on the spot...

Now seeing the text message sent by the young master, he is in a complicated mood and doesn't know whether to cry or laugh.

(end of this chapter)