Chapter 779: Autistic teenager (7)

Chapter 779 Autistic Teenager (7)

The young master said: He has very important things to do, and they are not allowed to disturb him.

However, he is very worried about the safety of the young master.

For this kind of thing, I still have to ask the old man...

Cha Cha took the boy into the restaurant.

wanted him to sit across from her.

However, the little boy doesn't seem to be used to this kind of place.

gripped her wrist tightly and refused to let go.

Chacha thought about it for a while, and asked for a box, only the two of them.

When ordering tea, every time you order a dish, you can see the reaction of the teenager.

Well, his reaction is quite obvious, it seems, he doesn't eat spicy food.

As long as he doesn't like it, he will raise his eyebrows every Monday, which is fleeting. Although it is not obvious, he can clearly notice it.

Finished ordering.

Cha Cha sat there, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw the young man looking at her quietly.

The fair and slender hands no longer held her wrists, but instead held the corners of her clothes tightly.

"You haven't told me what your name is."

Chacha took out his mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to the boy, "Do you know how to type out your name?"

Her voice was soft, as if afraid of scaring him.

The boy looked at her for a while, but didn't answer the phone for a long time.

Cha Cha sighed, a little disappointed, "It's okay, take your time, don't know if you don't know, let's eat first."

Alas, her male protagonist this time not only can't speak, he can't even type out his name on his mobile phone.

Cha Cha felt that he had encountered unprecedented difficulties.

He's like a blank sheet of paper, he can't do anything...

If so, wouldn't she be able to smear it at will?

What will she teach him in the future, what will he know?

Feeling... It's not bad to develop!

Qiqi couldn't bear to break the wild imagination of his own host after all.

When Chacha put the phone back in his pocket.

A voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Su Jing, the scene of the scenery."

Cha Cha froze instantly.

After she reacted, she looked at the boy in astonishment.

"So you can speak!" I, I thought you couldn't speak...

Su Jing looked at her quietly and didn't say anything else.

Chacha couldn't hold back, and asked a few more questions, babbled a lot, but Su Jing didn't speak again.

chacha, “…”

"So, Qiqi, what's his situation?"

At a time like this, as a system, shouldn't it be possible to quickly pass on the male protagonist's information and background to her?

Qiqi was silent for a moment.

attempts to justify.

【I...I think there are some things, Chacha, you will find out for yourself, there will be many surprises! 】

"Don't talk about other things. I don't care if the background information is given or not. I just want to know, what is his current condition? He looks very abnormal."

【He has autism. 】

【It's not that he can't speak, he is not good at speaking, he doesn't communicate with the outside world, and he is often immersed in his own world... 】

"...No wonder he didn't say a word when I said so much."

Is it like this?


If he is just autistic, then his brain should be fine.

"Then why doesn't he know the way back?"

Qiqi, […………Why does he have to remember the way back? 】

Chacha, "It sounds like what you said makes sense."

But this is not a big deal.

Since he has a normal brain and can speak and think, then there is no problem.

Other things, she doesn't bother.

Anyway, she can take good care of him.

After the food was served, Cha Cha said warmly, "Have a good meal."

Su Scenic head, picked up the chopsticks to eat with a serious look, and took a look...

(end of this chapter)