Chapter 783: Autistic teenager (11)

Chapter 783 Autistic Teenager (11)

Cha Cha entered the guest room.

Seven-seven blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Basically, all kinds of complaints about Su Jing.

Chacha shook his head, a little helpless.

I don't know where Su Jing offended it.

Alas, it said it, she rested.

Seven-seven, […]

The next morning.

Chacha was worried about Su Jing, so he woke up early.

But when she entered his room, Su Jing was already up.

was sitting on the edge of the bed.

Until Cha Cha came to him.

Su Jingcai raised his head.

Red eyes reflected in Cha Cha's eyes.

chacha, “…”

Look at this.

Su Jing clearly hadn't slept all night.

She even suspected that he just sat here all night.

Cha Cha suddenly fell into self-doubt.

Was it really inappropriate to let him rest here alone last night?

Her voice also softened a bit.

"Did you not have a good rest last night? Your eyes are all red, then I am here now, you have a good rest, I will watch over you, okay?"

Su Jing nodded obediently.

Under the gaze of Cha Cha, he lay down on the bed.

After Su Jing fell asleep.

The smile in Cha Cha's eyes quickly subsided.

looked at him with mixed emotions.

His situation seems to be different from what she imagined.

She couldn't let him sit there for another night tonight.

Thinking room.

There was a knock on the door.

Cha Cha got up and helped Su Jingye quilt, then walked over to open the door.

Yan Li saw that she was really in Su Jing's room, and there was a hint of sarcasm in her eyes.

"My good sister, don't you fancy that fool?"

Tsk, a fool and a fool are a perfect match.

Chacha's eyes appeared cold.

"Who are you calling a fool?"

She was reluctant to say something harsh, yet Yan Li actually called him a fool?

Believe it or not, she made Yan Li a fool.

Yan Li was startled, and took a step back subconsciously.

She didn't know why she was afraid.

I felt a chill in my bones for no reason.

Yan Li was stunned for a while.

cheered herself up, tried her best to convince herself not to be afraid, let alone let Chacha see a joke, she replied, "Who else is there besides the person inside?"

It's not a normal person at first glance, why can't she say it?

Last night, she really felt that what Father Yan said made sense.

But after one night.

She figured it out.

Father's statement is incorrect.

Because this boy was probably abandoned by others.

The security room has not moved yet.

Which one is not in a hurry if someone gets lost?

According to her, it was clearly abandoned by others on the side of the road.

Maybe, people don't want him at all.

For his family, he may be a burden.

If he was abandoned, then his father's statement was completely wrong. It was a burden. If his father really sent people back, he might even have a vengeance!

Thinking of this, Yan Li gained a lot of confidence.

Cha Cha stared at Yan Li and smiled sweetly.

Then he said softly, "I think I can make you a vegetative person who can't speak or move."

Yanli, "...What are you crazy about? The people inside are fools, are you also a fool? You still want to make me a vegetative person? Believe it or not, your father and mother will teach you a hard lesson!"

Cha Cha said speechlessly, "How old are you, do you still plan to go and complain to your parents?"

Yan Li, "..."

"Okay, what's the noise?" Yanmu came over with a displeased look on her face.

She looked at Cha Cha and threatened, "Are you not bullying your sister?

I tell you, you better be honest, or I'll let the fool in there be thrown out! "

(end of this chapter)