Chapter 784: Autistic teenager (12)

Chapter 784 Autistic Teenager (12)

Cha Cha stared at the Swallow for a while like a fool.

"Oh, then try it out, you throw him out first, or I throw you out first!"

Is something wrong?

The mother and daughter shouted Su Jing one by one foolishly!

Do you really think she is easy to bully?

Xu Shi Chacha's eyes were too straightforward, and Yanmu was looked at with an angry look.

"Are you going to turn against me for a fool? Yan Cha, don't forget, everything you have now is given to you by me, I am your mother, I gave you life, and let you live well until now... …”

Swallow mother said a lot.

Chacha was a little impatient.

"When you gave me life, you never asked me if you wanted to be my mother!"

Because she is a mother, can she bully Yan Cha every day for Yan Li?

Because I am a mother, can I throw away the yancha at any time for the sake of profit?

I have never regarded Yancha as a daughter.

Saying this now will only make her feel ridiculous.

Cha Cha glanced at the sluggish Yanmother, then looked at Yan Li, kicked Yan Li to the ground, then turned back to the guest room, and locked the door from the inside.

OK, you gave the original owner life.

I won't hit you for now.

But if one day really **** her off, don't blame her for not caring about anything.

As for Yan Li, Yan Li did not give life to the original owner, but also harmed the original owner, so she will never show mercy to Yan Li.

This time, it was just a lesson.

Qiqi, [Run after kicking, so exciting! 】

chacha, “…”

Outside the door.

Yan Li who was kicked to the ground.

was stunned for a while.

After reacting immediately, he burst into tears.

The Swallow standing beside her was also a little stunned.

stood there dumbfounded, as if he hadn't reacted.

After reacting.

is followed by distress.

She looked at Yan Li's situation in a panic.

"Daughter, don't cry, don't cry, I'll take you to the hospital!"

Yanli's crying pear blossoms brought rain, "Mom, did you see it? Chacha kicked me!

She kicked me for a fool, does she still have my sister in her eyes?

She is too much! "

Mother Yan coaxed her distressedly, "It's all Chacha's fault, don't cry, let's go to the hospital first, and when I get back, I'll take care of her!"

With Yan Li's cry.

Father Yan also came out.

Yan Li cried even more fiercely when she saw Yan's father.

She sat on the ground and babbled the matter, adding fuel to it, and emphasized two points by the way.

One: That boy was a fool, and he was probably abandoned.

If he is abandoned, he cannot be allowed to live any longer, and there is no use value.

2: Cha Cha not only bullied her, but also made unkind words to her mother.

At the end, the swallow mother also shed tears.

Leng is to arouse all the anger of Father Yan.

"You go to the hospital first, I'm going to teach this bad girl a good lesson today!

Dare to bully my elder sister today, make rude words to her own mother, and dare to do something to me tomorrow! "

Father Yan was firm.

Mother Yan and Yan Li looked at each other before leaving.

When they went downstairs, they could hear Father Yan slamming on the door and scolding.

"Get out of here, you rebellious girl, and throw that fool out immediately!"

Chacha in the room, "..."

This family of three has a brain hole, right?

One by one rushing up to find something...

She looked at Su Jing who opened her eyes on the bed at some point.

"Did it disturb you? Or scare you? Don't be afraid, none of them can touch you with me!"

Protect him, she's totally fine!

However, this Yan family can't live anymore.

Too many things, too noisy.

I don’t know how the original owner lived there.

(end of this chapter)