Chapter 788: Autistic teenager (16)

Chapter 788 Autistic Teenager (16)

The old man smiled.

Very satisfied with the current development.

he laughed.

"After Chacha, follow Xiaojing to call my grandfather."


The old man originally planned to ask a few more questions.

Which material.

Su Jing seemed impatient, he pulled Cha Cha and took her upstairs to his room.

Father, "..."

Okay, he understands.

Xiaojing just disliked them for delaying their time together.

He sighed silently...

Su Jing's bedroom is simple and tidy, just as she imagined, there are not too many items, it is extraordinarily simple and neat.

Cha Cha tilted his head and glanced at Su Jing.

Seeing that his eyes were a little red, she thought, it was probably because he didn't get a good rest.

didn't sleep all night, just coaxed him to sleep in the morning.

was tossed by the Yan family and ran out of the bedroom.

Then the two of them wandered outside again.

After all, doesn't he need a good rest?

she said.

"Xiaojing? You should rest for a while."

Su Jing was lost in thought, his hands still clutching the corners of her clothes.

For a long time, he said, "You accompany me..."

Cha Cha glanced at the corner of the clothes he was holding, and knew that he had no sense of security, and nodded, agreeing to his request.

"Well, I'll accompany you."

She pulled him and helped him lift the quilt, "Get some rest, get a good night's sleep, I promise not to leave."

Su Jing stared at her with big eyes.

did not mean to lie in bed.

Chacha, "???"

"Is there any problem?" Didn't she promise him not to leave?

Why are you still reluctant to lie down and sleep?

Su Jing paused for a while, then stretched out a finger, pointing to Chacha and then to the bed.

The meaning of    is self-evident.

Cha Cha pursed her lips and didn't answer him immediately.

She always felt that Su Jing was different from what she thought?

was about to continue to think deeply, Su Jing seemed a little aggrieved, looking at her aggrievedly like a child who did something wrong.

"Yes, sorry..."

Maybe his request was abrupt to her.

He lowered his eyes and his body was a little stiff.

Cha Cha was stunned for a while, and then he quickly guessed what he meant.

He seems to have misunderstood.

She is not rejecting him.

Just got distracted.

And she couldn't see his aggrieved appearance the most, and was very distressed.

Cha Cha immediately reached out and touched his head helplessly, "Don't say sorry, it just so happened that I didn't rest well, let's do it together."

Su Jing's eyes flickered.

looked up at her in surprise, and seemed a little disbelieving, he thought she didn't want it.

Su Jing tilted his head and lay on the bed a little embarrassed.

Cha Cha lay beside him with a smile on his face.

Then she saw Su Jing pulled the quilt a little embarrassed and wrapped herself in the quilt.

Cha Cha couldn't help laughing.

"If you are like this, I can't see you."

Su Jing in the quilt moved a bit.

Soon, he slowly exposed his head and quietly looked at her beside him.

Qiqi was a little confused.


I always feel that this scene is a bit familiar, it seems familiar.


Did Cha Cha and Su Jing get the wrong script?

Obviously, it was the male protagonist who harmed his host before.

Its host is the one covering his head in the quilt, and now...

How did it become like this?

don't know.

did not understand.

Even the whole system panics a bit.


Chacha doesn't think there is any problem with this development, she is all about developing it.

Well, Su Jing is really super nice and obedient!

Let him do what he does.

If she doesn't nod her head, he doesn't dare to do it...

This feeling is great!

(end of this chapter)