Chapter 789: Autistic teenager (17)

Chapter 789 Autistic Teenager (17)

Chacha woke up a few hours later.

She tilted her head and glanced at Su Jing next to her.

found him still asleep.

Sleeping face is quiet.

Chacha's lips curled into a smile.

Immediately afterwards, he stood up cautiously, and just as he made a move, Su Jing next to him was awakened.

Su Jing opened his eyes, Xu Shi had just woken up, and looked at Chacha ignorantly.

His eyes were filled with confusion.

's ignorant and well-behaved appearance almost made Cha Cha laugh.

She thought to herself: How good!

Just like her before.

Well-behaved and soft...

Hmm, wait a minute... something seems to be wrong.

Cha Cha reached out and poked Su Jing's little face, hey, it's really soft.

Then she was right in using the word "beautiful and soft"!

Qiqi, […………] Seeing that, the plot is getting more and more crooked, what should it do?

Chacha was like finding a new gadget, and played with Su Jing's little face for a while.

to the end.

Su Jing's face flushed red.

Cha Cha then put down her claws.

Can't bully him anymore.

She is a little hungry now and wants to eat.

"Xiaojing, let's go down to eat, shall we?"

Su Jing was responsive to her requests, he nodded, "Okay."

The two went downstairs.

When    came to the living room.

happened to see the old man talking to the butler.

When they saw Cha Cha and Su Jing, their eyes were full of smiles.

"Are you hungry? The food is ready, let's go eat."

The old man looks gentle and outrageous.

Cha Cha sees such an old man, inexplicably guilty.

She bullied Su Jing just now, and his face is still red!


Chacha suddenly discovered.

The old man prepared many, many meals.

A bunch of delicious food!

For the sake of the old man's warm hospitality, she decided that when she poked Su Jing's face in the future, she would be gentler...

After dinner.

The old man laughed so hard that he could hardly close his mouth.

Xiaojing eats a lot more than ever.

It seems that this little girl has really played a big role.

In his heart, a hope gradually rose.

Perhaps, his family's Xiaojing, one day in the future, will be completely cured.

The old man smiled and had a tea ceremony.

"I have already prepared your room, right next to Xiaojing's room."

Cha Cha nodded, "Okay."

next to him, very convenient.

Thinking so, she reached out and touched an orange.

It seems that since leaving Yan's house, everything has gone very smoothly.

I just don’t know how the Yan family is doing now.

It is estimated that Yan’s father and Yan’s mother stomped their feet in anger.

In fact, it is indeed similar to what Chacha guessed.

Yan's family is having trouble with chickens and dogs.

Mother Yan and Yan Li came back from the hospital, thinking that they would get the news that Father Yan taught Cha Cha a lesson.

Unexpectedly, Father Yan said directly: People ran away.

Yanmu and Yan Li naturally didn't believe that Chacha could have such great abilities, not to mention that there was a fool beside her.


Mother Yan and Yan Li determined that Father Yan was helping Cha Cha and favoring Cha Cha.

Yan Li didn't dare to criticize, she only dared to sit there and cry, the one who cried was called a pear blossom with rain.

Crying and crying, the swallow mother is not happy.

The second daughter bullied the eldest daughter in such a way that the father in front of him didn't know how to teach him a lesson.

in anger.

Mother Yan moved her hand to Father Yan.

Then the two of them fought inexplicably.

to the end.

Both of them had some wounds on their faces.

Especially on Father Yan's face.

The swallow mother is more ruthless, scratching and scratching...

A few blood marks are particularly obvious.

Father Yan felt an anger in his heart.

His face was black and scary.

Yan Li was so frightened that she didn't dare to cry, let alone raise the fuse of Chacha in front of Yan's father and Yan mother.

I was afraid that the two would fight again.

(end of this chapter)