Chapter 810: Autistic teenager (38)

Chapter 810 Autistic Teenager (38)

In order to prevent Su Jing from thinking again.

Chacha cautiously said a few more words to him.

Hope he can understand that she really won't leave him.

will not leave him alone.

She will always be by his side.

She knew that he must have no sense of security.

And she's trying to make him feel safe.

Su Jing tilted his head and rubbed her arms.

whispered, "You like me, and I like you too, so let's be together, okay?"

Cha Cha was startled and looked at Su Jing in astonishment.

I didn't understand what he meant for a while.

for a long time.

She wondered, "Aren't we together all the time?"

Except that she was not with him today and went to Yan's house alone, it seems that during this time, the two of them have been together all the time.

Su Jing opened his mouth and explained.

"Not the kind of being together, I mean...I'm responsible to you, and you're complicated to me...I, we..."

Su Jing's voice stumbled, and as he was about to say the last half of his sentence, the door was suddenly knocked a few times.

The butler's voice came from outside.

"Master, Miss Su, dinner is ready."

Su Jing, "..." Why interrupt him at such a time? ? ?

Cha Cha heard the word "dinner", and his eyes were full of light.

"Xiaojing, what do you want to say? If you don't think about it, let's go to eat first. Well, I'm a little hungry."

She rubbed her stomach.

Really hungry.

seems to be in order to cooperate with her, and her stomach growls.

Su Jing swallowed the sentence silently, and said weakly, "Well, eat."

When the two of them went downstairs.

met the butler standing at the door.

The butler greeted the two with a smile.

But, just after taking two steps, the housekeeper found that his back was a little cold, and he subconsciously went to see his young master.

Seeing that the young master's eyes have been falling on Cha Cha.

The housekeeper was puzzled and puzzled.

Did you just have an illusion?

He shook his head, not paying attention to what happened just now.


Chacha is very happy to eat.

For her, the matter of the Yan family was almost resolved, and she taught Su Mu a lesson.

is simply delicious.

Halfway through her meal, she didn't seem very interested in seeing Su Jing.

"Xiaojing? What's wrong?"

Su Jing, "No..."

He lowered his eyes and helped Chacha with a sweet and sour steak.

"Xiaojing is getting better and better!"

Cha Cha praised.


Su Jing can not only talk to her a few more words, but also go to the supermarket with her to buy something.

He seems to be less resistant to many things now.

is no longer completely closed to himself.

He was willing to open his heart and communicate with her.

This is undoubtedly a great progress for his condition.

Even Old Master Su had a lot of smiles on his face.

Mr. Su looked at the interaction between the two and was extremely happy.

If Su Jing's condition can improve, he will have nothing to worry about in this world.

After dinner.

Su Jing pulled Cha Cha, but he was stunned to pull Cha Cha into his room.

Then, just like before, the movement was neatly locked from the inside.

"It's getting dark, go to bed."

Cha Cha, "...Well, sleep."

Anyway, it was not the first time that the two of them slept together. During the time they were in the Su family, they slept together almost all the time.

Chacha naturally didn't notice Su Jing's little anomaly.


She sighed, a little helpless.

"Xiaojing, I want to take a bath, and you also want to take a bath. There is only one bathroom, so, open the door first, I'll go back to my room to take a shower and come back to you?"

Su Jing was stunned when he heard the words, a little shyness flashed in his dark eyes.

He lowered his head and said in a low voice, "I, we can be together..."

(end of this chapter)