Chapter 811: Autistic teenager (39)

Chapter 811 Autistic Teenager (39)

Cha Cha was stunned.

She looked at Su Jing dumbfounded.

I always feel that the sentence I just heard is an illusion.


"Qiqi, did you hear what he just said?"

It was like a dream, she couldn't believe it.

Qiqi, [Chacha, you heard that right, he...he said you can go together...]

woo, this seemingly autistic male protagonist doesn't seem to be a good person.

If you are a good person, can you say such a thing?

is simply a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Cha Cha pondered for a while, and then quickly went through the wording in his mind.

she whispered.

"Xiaojing, I think, you may have misunderstood the bath. We can't be together... So, Xiaojing will go alone, okay?"

After saying this, Cha Cha only felt a sudden jump in the corner of her forehead.

I always feel that something is weird.

Before, Su Jing was not like this.

Humph, someone must have broken her little Nestorian!

She never taught him these words!

Seeing her refusal, Su Jing snorted and turned around unhappily, as if he had been hit.

Seeing him like this, Cha Cha suddenly felt that he was a little too much.

After all, Su Jing is still a child. Although he is old, his mental age is still very young.

She thought for a while, and then she said, "Xiaojing, although I can't agree to your proposal, I can give you a small reward, so Xiaojing don't be unhappy!"

When Su Jing heard the word reward, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

He turned his head and looked straight at Cha Cha.

Before she could speak, he leaned over and clasped her little head, and took a bite.

chacha, “…”

you've changed.

You are no longer the Su Jing who was bullied by me casually before.

It wasn't until Su Jing let go of her and walked into the bathroom alone that there was the sound of rushing water, and Cha Cha barely recovered.

She took a few steps back in disbelief, and staggered away from Su Jing's room.

Absolutely did not expect that she actually made a mistake.

Give Su Jing a chance, and Su Jing can immediately draw inferences from other facts...

Cha Cha went back to his room alone, went into the bathroom, and even came out after taking a shower, the whole person was still stunned.

"Qiqi, do you think my teaching method is not right?"

Qiqi, 【Why do you say this? You see, Su Jing is learning very fast, which means that your teaching method is fine. 】

"It's because he learns too fast that I'm not happy."

Learning so fast, what will she do in the future?

Now I know that I took advantage of her, what about in the future?

Isn't it going to bully her again?

No no no...

This is completely different from what she imagined before.


She is too hard.

Cha Cha came to Su Jing's room depressed.

At this moment, Su Jing was sitting beside the bed, obviously waiting for her.

Cha Cha took a step, and a strange feeling rose in his heart.

The young man has a beautiful profile, and the clothes on his body are slightly messy.

Wet hair dripping with water.

Tiny droplets of water slid down his outline to his delicate collarbone.

Cha Cha stood where he was.

I haven't taken a step forward for a long time.

Su Jing not only can draw inferences from other facts, but also knows how to dig a hole for her!

This is too much!

What are you going to do with this pose?


When she is stupid?

Do you think she will be fooled?

Cha Cha groaned in the bottom of his heart, took a few steps forward in displeasure, then bypassed Su Jing and rolled over onto the bed.

Then wrapped himself in the quilt and shrunk into a ball.

Waiting for the favored Su Jing, "..."

This is different from what the book says...

Why did she just... bypass him?

Could it be that he is not attractive to her?

Su Jing fell into doubt.


It's the beginning of the month, if you have a monthly pass, you can vote for a monthly pass, alright~

(end of this chapter)