Chapter 822: Autistic teenager (50)

Chapter 822 Autistic Teenagers (50)

When Su Jing goes downstairs.

What I saw was the scene where Chacha distributed snacks to the housekeeper.

Su Jing, "???"

His eyes flickered slightly, and he walked up to the two of them in astonishment, staring at the housekeeper with dissatisfaction.

That glance.

The butler shuddered when he saw it.

The butler looked down at the snack in his hand, and then looked at his young master.

I just feel that the snacks are especially hot...

Su Jing looked at Chacha eagerly.

When she continued to stuff the small snacks into the butler's hand, she was very unhappy and stretched out her hand to block between her and the butler.

Chacha's snack paused, "What's wrong?"

Su Jing opened his mouth, and finally only said aggrievedly, "I want it too."

He wanted to say something else, but he was afraid that she would be unhappy.

had to put all the emotions back.

Cha Cha was dumbfounded, "Okay, here it is for you. However, these are for the housekeeper, you can't rob him."

She freed up a hand, pulled back the arm that Su Jing was blocking in the middle, and handed the snack to the butler.

Su Jing gritted his teeth and said nothing.

bowed his head, looking well-behaved and aggrieved.

Finished delivering small snacks.

Cha Cha pulled Su Jing upstairs.

After walking a few steps, she looked back at the housekeeper, "Occasional snacks are also good for the body."

The housekeeper nodded again and again, but did not dare to look at the young master's face.

Cha Cha turned around and whispered to Su Jing.

"The housekeeper did me a favor, I want to thank him, don't rob him."

She asked a few more words uneasy.

Su Jing's expression paused.

"Yeah." He replied dully.

If she didn't say it, he would definitely take the time to steal the small snacks from the butler's arms.

But now, she said, he... may have to think about Chacha's words before he starts.

He didn't want to make her angry, so he could only endure it...

Su Jing felt that if the housekeeper didn't show off the snacks in front of him, then he... wouldn't **** it from the housekeeper...

Finished tangled snacks.

Su Jing suddenly realized the point of the sentence just now.

"How can the housekeeper help you? Can't I help?"

Su Jing felt that he seemed to be despised.

He is obviously smarter than the housekeeper, but he just talks less.

Why are you looking for the housekeeper but not him?

In the blink of an eye, Su Jing closed himself again.

Chacha didn't quite understand Su Jing's meaning, but seeing Su Jing's mood became not right.

She had no choice but to coax him out loud.

"Because things are a bit troublesome, the housekeeper can handle it, and I don't want you to waste time on unimportant things, don't you want to stay with me?"

Su Jing was a little unhappy at first.

When I heard the last sentence, I immediately understood it.

He wants to spend more time with Chacha, so he has to leave things to the housekeeper!

He happily grabbed Chacha's little hand.

's voice was brisk, "So, Chacha also wants to spend more time with me."

So happy.

"Yeah, I want to stay with you." Cha Cha smiled.

If she didn't want to stay with him, why did she live in Su's house?



Cha Cha heard the stupid Su Jing question, "Since the housekeeper helped you, then I should thank him well, just giving him snacks is not enough, it's not enough to express our sincerity, I'll take the snacks Take it back, and I'll ask grandpa to give him a raise!"

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to go to the housekeeper.

and was dragged back by Cha Cha.

She looked at Su Jing dumbfounded, helpless, "Why are you still thinking about those small snacks?"

Isn't it a baby?

She remembered that Su Jing didn't like snacks too much!

Why is it on the snack bar?

(end of this chapter)