Chapter 823: Autistic teenager (51)

Chapter 823 Autistic Teenager (51)

See Su Jing looking unhappy.

Chacha immediately took out a bunch of small snacks from his pocket and stuffed them into his arms.

"These are all for you, don't stare at the butler's snacks!"

Su Jing looked at the snacks in his arms.

silently counted.

There was a little smile in his dark eyes.

These are several times more than those in the butler's arms.

That is to say, he is super important in her heart.

After thinking about this, Su Jing happily put the snacks in his cabinet.

Chacha is very important and precious.

can not eat.

to save.

Chacha naturally didn't know Su Jing's thoughts.

She took out a book from his room, "Xiaojing, read this book again."

Su Jing, "Okay."

Chacha found that Su Jing's memory was particularly good.

can be regarded as unforgettable.

God closed a door for him, and at the same time, opened a window for him.

Basically, as long as it is a book that Su Jing has read once, he can recite the content accurately.

After discovering this feature.

Chacha Recently, I especially like to pull Su Jing to study.

Well, you can recite it once you read it. It's a genius. With such a good brain, of course you need to memorize some knowledge.

Su Jing was studying there quietly, while Cha Cha slowly took out his mobile phone to watch the drama.

I do not know how long it has been.

Su Jing's voice gradually became smaller.

Cha Cha put down the phone, intending to look up.

Tsk, you still learned to be lazy?

Unexpectedly, the moment she raised her head, Su Jing's enlarged face came into her eyes.

I don't know when Su Jing came over.

The distance between the two is very close.

Cha Cha stared blankly at the face in front of him, and silently moved his head back.

did not want to.

Su Jing also moved.

The warm breath came.

Cha Cha bit his lip and raised his hand to block between the two.

"What's the matter with you?" she asked.

's voice is not high, soft and weak, and those who don't know it think they are being bullied.

Su Jing reached out and pulled her hand away from the middle, and said word by word, "After reading, I want a reward."

Cha Cha subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

"A reward? It's easy to talk about..."

She thought what happened to him.

【...I think you thought it was crooked just now. 】

Qiqi came out at the right time to remind.

It saw that Chacha's earlobes had an abnormal red color.

Chacha, "'re talking nonsense." I'm a serious person.

How could    do to Su Jing?

And just like that, it was clearly what Su Jing wanted to do to her.


When Cha Cha saw Su Jing's dark and innocent eyes, he suddenly felt that his thoughts were too inappropriate.

Such a good-looking Su Jing, how could he possibly do anything to her?

looked at her eagerly, just like a child, just wanting a reward.

She stretched out her hand, clasped Su Jing's chin, and took a bite.

"Well, reward."

Cha Cha smacking his lips.


Does it taste good?

Su Jing, who received the reward, instantly turned crimson.

After sending the reward, Cha Cha raised his hand and pushed Su Jing, he was too close to her, since the reward has been given, there is no need to get so close.

woo, she would never say it, she was afraid she couldn't hold it.


Chacha didn't expect it, so he pushed it but didn't push Su Jing away.

Su Jing, whose face was flushed, whispered slowly, "Not enough..."

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, "What?"

Su Jing felt that he was a little too far ahead, "The reward is not enough."

Although he was a bit sloppy, he was looking forward to her reaction.

Cha Cha stared at Su Jing for a while, "..."

Unfortunately, nothing was seen.

After a long time, Qiqi reminded him aloud, [Chacha, he is autistic, but his IQ and so on are normal people, Su Jing is already an adult...]

He sure knew what he was doing.

(end of this chapter)