Chapter 824: Autistic teenager (52)

Chapter 824 Autistic Teenager (52)

Cha Cha squinted his eyes.

She is not a fool, Su Jing's performance has become more and more normal recently.

Except for the occasional paranoia.

was almost in front of her and performed well.

Qiqi reminds me.

Some things that I didn’t want to understand are starting to become clear.

She always regarded him as an autistic teenager who didn't understand anything.

But in fact, he completely closed himself in another world, blocking everyone who communicated with him.

Now think about it.

There are some small details that seem to reveal Su Jing's IQ.

is like Su Jing's unforgettable skills.

If he can remember it, and with the training of Mr. Su, where can he be so stupid?

Mr. Su obviously valued Su Jing very much, and almost regarded it as his own life. How could he allow Su Jing to be lost for a day and a night? ? ?

That is to say.

Su Jing was lost and followed her into Yan's house.

And what Su Jing said about not knowing the way, these are all false.

How could a genius like Su Jing not know the way?

Even if you don't know Lu, how could you not be able to contact Mr. Su?

Cha Cha squeezed between his brows, and pulled Su Jing, who was planning to continue to make further progress, aside.

She got up, walked out of the room with a bad face, then walked to the other bedroom and came to the balcony.

When she went to Yan's house, Su Jing was standing here waiting for her.


At this position, you can just see the Yan family not far away from her.

She never wanted that ingenuity to be spent on Su Jing, but sometimes, when she thought about it carefully, she would find that someone had dug her one hole after another without knowing it.

For a moment, Cha Cha felt a surge of anger overflowing from her chest.

Want to hit someone.

wanted to bring Su Jing over and beat him hard.

When Su Jing walked in, he paused for a while.


He walked to her side, slender fingers, tugging at the corner of her clothes uneasily, as usual, waiting for her to look back at him and smile at him.

But this time.

She didn't look back.

stood there quietly, with beautiful eyes looking at the Yan family not far away.

Su Jing panicked.

It seemed that something disappeared quickly, he subconsciously wanted to grab it, but it was too late...

did not get a response from Chacha.

Su Jing tugged at the corner of her clothes again.

Frightened and nervous.

"Tea Cha..."

His voice was very low, and when the wind blew, he disappeared.

after awhile.

Cha Cha looked back at Su Jing, "It's windy outside, let's go in."

Ruyu's pretty face showed no expression.

Su Jing was stunned for a moment.

tugged at the corner of her clothes tightly and followed her back to the bedroom.

Su Jing thought for a while.

Next to Cha Cha, he said seriously, "Yes, I'm sorry, I... I shouldn't ask for more rewards."

She shouldn't have found anything, right?

Just after asking for more rewards, she pushed him away and came to this room alone...

If she found something, she would definitely not be so calm.

Su Jing lowered his head, his eyes dark and unclear.

Cha Cha blinked and pushed Su Jing, who was bowing his head, against the wall.

Before Su Jing could react, he bit his lips hard.

"More reward."

Su Jing was stunned.

The hand hanging by his side moved slightly, as if restraining something.

The two ran to the bedroom here one after the other.

Naturally alarmed the servant.

The housekeeper pondered that the little young master looked at the snack in his arms before, and was afraid that the two would be arguing over the snack, so he hurriedly came to the bedroom door and knocked on the door.

heard a knock on the door.

Su Jing silently endured the emotion that he almost couldn't hold back.

Then I gave the housekeeper who appeared at an inappropriate time, and made another note...

Butler, "..."

The back is a little cold.


(end of this chapter)