Chapter 825: Autistic teenager (53)

Chapter 825 Autistic Teenager (53)

Cha Cha pulled Su Jing out of the bedroom.

glanced at the housekeeper who was a little overwhelmed and said with a smile, "In the past few days, the housekeeper has worked hard."

Butler, "It's not hard or hard, that's what I should do."

Yan's family affairs, he will naturally handle it.

When Su Jing left with Cha Cha, he glared at the housekeeper.

That glance is meaningful.

until that night.

Take advantage of Chacha's bath time.

The housekeeper was holding the small snack, and with a strong desire to survive, he found Su Jing and offered the small snack with both hands.

"Little Master?"

I hope the young master will not bother with him.

Su Jing gave him a faint look.

"What did she ask you to do?"

There was no turbulence in his dark eyes.

The butler suddenly sensed the danger.

He silently held the snack tightly and whispered, "It's the Yan family's business."

He did not expect that the young master would take the initiative to speak to him. Although this was about Chacha, the butler still felt flattered.

Su Jing sat there quietly, his eyes lowered, not knowing what he was thinking.

for a moment.

he said, "Then do as she wishes."

If he intervenes, she may not be happy.

The Yan family is not important anyway...

The butler tentatively looked at the snacks in his arms and asked.

"What about this little snack?"

"She gave you, you have to eat it seriously." Su Jing turned his head, got up in disdain, and opened his own cabinet.

The cabinet is full of snacks.

Such a comparison.

A few bags in the butler's arms are not so important.

The housekeeper swallowed.

As if he was not careful, he was shown another face.

He silently left with a small snack...

When Cha Cha came out of the room after taking a shower, he found that Su Jing was staring at the snacks in the cabinet in a daze.

Chacha, "...What do you think of snacks?" I won't steal you?

Su Jing turned his head.

The little girl in front of her was wearing a pajama, and her skin was as fair as a fine suet jade.

Indistinctly, a faint fragrance spread into his nose.

Su Jing's eyes darkened slightly, and he lowered his head and closed his eyes, "It's nothing, just take a look..."

See how many packets of snacks there are.

Chacha didn't quite understand Su Jing's behavior.

However, he didn’t say much.

"Then go take a shower." It's late, it's time to go to bed.

She yawned, lifted the quilt and got in.

Su Jing entered the bathroom dully.

The sound of rushing water kept ringing.

Cha Cha turned over on the bed and muttered to Qi Qi, "He's so slow, I'll go to bed first, I won't wait for him."

Qiqi, [I will play a lullaby for tea~]

Cha Cha, "...No need."

Qiqi, [But, but this is a lullaby that I sang many, many times, and I spent a lot of time...]

Chacha didn't have time to talk to him recently, so he secretly learned a lullaby.

"Well, play Qiqi again, Qiqi is awesome." Cha Cha hurriedly praised Qiqi, for fear of hurting Qiqi's enthusiasm.

Take the initiative to sing, of course you have to listen.

And listen carefully.

Before listening to   , Cha Cha was prepared. If the song is not good, how should she comfort Qi Qi.


The moment when the lullaby is released.

Chacha found that she might have thought too much.

As a system, Qiqi has a talent for singing? ? ?

's voice is clear and moving, slowly burrowing into her heart like a gurgling water, and it is very fascinating to listen to.

"Qiqi, it sounds really good! If you can get out one day, I will definitely take you to the audition so that more people can hear your singing!"

Qiqi screamed happily, [Is it really nice? 】

"Really nice."

【Then I will continue to practice! 】

(end of this chapter)