Chapter 838: Autistic teenager (66)

Chapter 838 Autistic Teenager (66)

When the news of Yan Li Yandang's imprisonment reached Chacha's ears.

Cha Cha's expression did not change significantly.

If you kill someone, you should go to jail.

Su Jing put down the book in his hand, reached out and poked Cha Cha's bulging face.

"You're not happy?" he asked.

Even if she didn't say anything, he could feel that her mood was different from just now.

Cha Cha raised his head, held Su Jing's dishonest fingers, and gave him a symbolic pinch on his face with his backhand.

"I'm not unhappy, just... a little sigh."

In just one month.

The Yan family has come to this point.

she sighed, but they did it all by themselves.

Chacha shook his head indifferently, "Let's not talk about them, let's talk about other things."

Su Jing, "What?" Is there anything else?

When he met Shang Chacha's twinkling eyes, he always felt that something was not right.

Cha Cha looked at Su Jing seriously, "That's it, Grandpa asked me about something this morning."

"What's the matter?" Su Jing was stunned.

His gaze shifted subconsciously, what could it be?

Cha Cha dropped the bomb lightly, "Grandpa told me about my marriage with you, saying that he wanted to put our marriage on the agenda."

Su Jing's eyes flashed with ecstasy.


Their marriage?

Su Jing, who was overwhelmed with joy, was stunned, dizzy and fluttering.


Chacha said again, "However, I refused."

The joy on Su Jing's face shattered with a click.

"You, don't you like me?" He looked at Cha Cha with a hurt expression.

Why refuse?

Does she not like him?

Cha Cha held Su Jing's hand, "Don't be sad, just listen to me."

Su Jing, "..."

Cha Cha said solemnly, "I just think that our marriage is not suitable for now. I have observed that your situation has indeed improved, but recently, you have maintained the state of the previous period, and it has not improved. development on the situation.

So, I think we should wait until you are healed before we have the wedding.

Xiaojing, you must know that there will be a lot of people at the wedding, so you can't hide away, right? It was our wedding and we have no regrets. "

Su Jing's eyes flashed again and again.

In the end, nothing was said.

For the first time he knew what the phrase 'shooting himself in the foot' meant...

After this day.

The old man found something.

The condition of my grandson seems to have suddenly improved.

It did get better before, but now, it seems to be accelerating sharply...

The old man immediately noticed something was wrong.

In private, he tried a few words at Su Jing.

Su Jing didn't hide it.

clearly stated his situation.

His condition was better than they thought, but, in order to keep Cha Cha by his side, he deliberately concealed the real progress of his condition.

The old man looked at him with mixed feelings, "..."

So, why did you suddenly want to understand?

Su Jing, "...Oh, I can marry Chacha back home when I recover from the disease."

Father, "..." I don't know what to say.

He was both happy and depressed.

But overall, the old man is in a very good mood.

For him, Su Jing's recovery is the greatest luck.

He always thought that he would not have the chance to wait for Su Jing's condition to improve in his lifetime, but now, he really saw a normal Su Jing.

Ten days later.

Su Jing kept shouting in Chacha's ear that he wanted the two to go out to play together, proving to her that his condition had recovered.

Chacha's charming little face was filled with calmness, "No, you have to take care of it at home."

(end of this chapter)