Chapter 839: Autistic teenager (67)

Chapter 839 Autistic Teenager (67)

Su Jing didn't feel anything at first.

But it took a long time.

He was aware of the problem.

No matter what he said in the past, Chacha would almost never refuse.

And now.

Every time he thought about going outside with Cha Cha for a few laps, he wanted to prove to her that his condition was really improving, and he was even about to recover.

But they were all rejected by Cha Cha mercilessly.

Cha Cha doesn't give him a chance to prove that his situation is getting better.


Su Jing thought briefly.

He suddenly realized that Cha Cha might have known that his condition had improved a lot.

Su Jing's heart was tight, and the secret was not good.

This evening.

Su Jing sneaked up to Cha Cha.

"Chacha, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Cha Cha turned his head and said softly, "Your condition has not improved, so you can't go out, and don't even think about going out."

Su Jing, "No, I meant to say..."

Chacha quickly interrupted him, "Don't tell me that your condition has improved, I won't believe it."

Leaving those words behind, she dodged into the bathroom.

Leaving Su Jing stand alone.

He wondered, should he come to plead guilty?

The current situation... He is completely out of order.

Don't know what to do.

Taking advantage of the time when Chacha entered the bathroom, Su Jing silently entered the study and found the old man, hoping that the old man would show a clear way.

The old man had a smile on his face, "I, the old man, don't understand the matter of young people, so I won't mix it up."

Su Jing, "..." I'm autistic again.

A few days passed.

Su Jing's mood was very low.

The old man is a little distressed.

So, he politely reminded him a few words.

You are obviously getting better, but you keep pretending that your progress is slow.

Now the little girl knows that she has been deceived, and she is obviously mad at you on purpose!

Don't say anything else, you don't even have an apology at the very least, and you still want to abduct someone back home to be your daughter-in-law? Isn't this a dream?

Su Jing who was instructed.

We prepared a lot of things that night.

I intend to sincerely apologize to Chacha.

It was his fault, he never made it clear to her.

Just thinking about abducting her home is his problem!


Cha Cha came out of the shower and found that Su Jing was not in the room, so she didn't think much about it.

She yawned, went to the bed and lifted the quilt to sleep.

As the quilt was lifted, a clatter sounded.

Cha Cha was stunned, looking at the colorful snacks on the bed at some point.


The boy walked slowly against the light.

The voice was mixed with a bit of apology, "I'm sorry."

He looked at her seriously.

watched her every move.

Seeing that she had no extra expressions, Su Jing explained in a low voice.

"I shouldn't lie to you, my condition has been improving very quickly, but I am afraid that you will leave me, so I deliberately make you think that my condition is still very serious..."

The    boy is still the same boy, but he is no longer the same as when he first met.

The faint warm light sprinkled on his side face, making him a little more angry than before.

Cha Cha sighed.

It seems that the displeasure of these days has all disappeared.

Actually, she wasn't very angry, she just wanted to see when he took the initiative to admit it to her.

She reached out, clasped Su Jing's wrist, and pulled him a little closer to her.

"Do you dare to lie to me next time?"

Su Jing immediately shook his head, "I don't dare."

Chacha, "Huh? Do you want to have another time?"

Su Jing, "...No, no next time."

He never dared to have a next time.

He slowly leaned over and put his head against her neck, being obedient.

(end of this chapter)