Chapter 841: Regent, Puppet Emperor (1)

Chapter 841 Regent, Puppet Emperor (1)

【Congratulations to the host for completing the task. 】

【The lucky gold card owned by the host has been upgraded to the fifth level of the gold card.

The    Charm card has been upgraded to the seventh level of the normal card.

Snack card is upgraded to ordinary card level 3.

In this mission, you will get a small gift package again. 】

Cha Cha tilted his head and thought for a while.

A small gift bag?

Keep saving!

Save the big gift package and open it.

Looking at the empty peach blossom forest, Cha Cha said helplessly.

"Qiqi, enter the next plane."


"You guys go over there and see!"

"Be sure to find that woman!"

"Never let her run away!"

"She doesn't die, it's us who die!"

As soon as Cha Cha opened his eyes, he heard a group of people talking.

The    sound came from below.

She lowered her eyes, and at a glance, she saw a bunch of people in black below searching around.

Soon, Cha Cha realized that she was clearly hiding in a tree, that is to say, she was the one who was going to be killed by the group of people in black underneath.

chacha, “…”

Can't you just let me take it easy?

It was so exciting as soon as it came up!

Pain came from his wrist, Cha Cha frowned and glanced at it, the original owner was injured.

Come to think of it, he was injured by those men in black while escaping or fighting.

She calmly observed her surroundings.

If you continue to hide in this tree, it is estimated that the man in black will soon find out.

The fair-skinned wrist flipped slightly, and there was a rustling sound from the tree in the distance. The man in black heard the sound and hurriedly chased in that direction.

Cha Cha took the opportunity to get down from the tree and ran in the other direction.

After running for a while.

Cha Cha leaned against the tree panting, and patted his chest with his little hand.

"Oh, scared me this little cutie!"

While muttering, she took out a packet of snacks from her pocket, blinked her beautiful eyes, put the snack back in her pocket, and turned her little finger in the pocket, and a lollipop came out.

Well, I'm a little tired and a little panicky.

Need to eat sugar to suppress the shock.

Small snacks can't satisfy me! ! !

and many more.

Why is she running?

"..." Although the wrist was injured.

However, a fight is fine.

Qiqi, […How about you go back and fight them again? 】

Chacha, "..." Do I look busy?

The sweetness melted in the mouth, and Chacha was just talking to Qiqi.

"Don't talk nonsense, transfer the data quickly."



Original Master Wei Tea.

Emperor of Jinghua Kingdom.

In this continent, men and women in Jinghua Kingdom are equal, and women can also be officials and emperors.

The original owner was nominally the emperor.

But in Jinghua Kingdom, he was a well-known puppet emperor.

The original owner was supported by the regent Xiao Zhixu.

When the late emperor was in power, Xiao Zhixu had already used drastic means, mastered heavy troops, and controlled the entire government.


When the late emperor died.

Even if Xiao Zhixu ascended the throne as an emperor, no one would say anything with his means, but he became a regent.

and support the second emperor Wei Cha as the emperor.

The late emperor had one son and three daughters.

The eldest prince died when he was young.

Therefore, the late emperor spent a lot of thought on training the three princesses.

The two princesses also have their own merits.

Wei Rou, the daughter of the three emperors, is quiet and peaceful, and she is good at government affairs. She has been criticizing and marking memorials for the late emperor for several years. There are many ministers in the court who have a good relationship with her.

Wei Ran, the fourth princess, is valiant and valiant, good at the art of war. She has fought for the country several times, and she has returned triumphantly every time, and is very popular among the people.

As for the Second Queen's Weicha, nothing...

Whether it’s studying, the art of war, or politics, everything doesn’t make sense.

She only knew how to play all day, she was a spoiled princess, but in the end, the position of the emperor fell into her hands?

simply stunned everyone!

(end of this chapter)