Chapter 842: Regent, Puppet Emperor (2)

Chapter 842 Regent, Puppet Emperor (2)

When the    imperial decree was announced, at first, many people were unhappy and stared at her eagerly.

However, those who disobeyed the original owner were cut down by Xiao Zhixu, and the method was resolute. Everyone knew that the regent wanted to stand on the side of the original owner.

After this.

When the original owner was the emperor, no one dared to say anything.

Because no one dared to provoke the regent casually.

As the regent unabashedly showed his edge, and did not intend to delegate power to the original owner.

The crowd began to speculate.

No wonder the regent wanted to support Weicha as emperor.

He really took Wei Cha as a puppet emperor.

After all, Wei Rou and Wei Ran are not under Wei Cha's control.

Under the pressure of the regent.

The original owners were even more cowardly, and they were frightened every day, for fear that one day the regent would be unhappy and he would kill her.

The original owner waited, waited, and finally waited for the regent to go out.

Take this opportunity.

The original owner packed up and escaped from the palace.

Then the original owner was hunted down...

Cha Cha sighed.

rubbed his eyebrows.

The IQ of the original owner... a little anxious.

Chacha continued to check the information, and then the whole person was not well.

The original owner is not only anxious, but also has bad luck.

If it wasn't for her passing by suddenly, the original owner would have been discovered by the man in black and stabbed to death.

Cha Cha subconsciously touched his chest again, "Fortunately I can run fast!" Otherwise, he would die.

After the original owner died.

All clues point to Xiao Zhixu.

For a while, everyone thought that the original owner was disobedient, and that provoked Xiao Zhixu to kill her.

The ministers in the DPRK dare not speak out.

Coincidentally, Xiao Zhixu was injured, and the news quickly spread throughout Jinghua Kingdom.

And several small countries around Jinghua Kingdom took the opportunity to send troops to fight. Wei Ran was reluctant to go to the battlefield because of his dissatisfaction with Xiao Zhixu.

In the end, Xiao Zhixu led his troops into battle.

On the battlefield, he was designed to die by Wei Ran, Wei Rou and others...

Since then, Wei Rou became emperor.


Chacha slowly took out a small snack and clicked his tongue.

So Wei Rou is the last boss?

In this case.

Can she boldly speculate that it was Wei Rou who assassinated the original owner?

After all, the original owner was assassinated and died, and Xiao Zhixu had no benefit at all.

If he didn't want people to know that it was the original owner he killed, he could completely let the original owner pass away silently and clear all ties.

If he doesn't care what others think, then he will kill the original owner directly, there is no need to make such a troublesome assassination.

And the clues that the original owner was killed all point to Xiao Zhixu, the purpose is too obvious...

However, there are a lot of people who believe that almost everyone believes that the original owner was killed by Xiao Zhixu. This only shows that many people are blind by choice, and they are not willing to think carefully about such a simple thing.

In other words, no one cares about how the original owner died, and what those people care about is how to bring down Xiao Zhixu.

Logic understands the idea.

Cha Cha took a small snack and decided to take a walk outside first.

Wait until tomorrow to return to the palace.

I believe Wei Rou will be very surprised when she sees her!

Qiqi laughed out loud at the right time, [Surprise is impossible to surprise, I think for Wei Rou, it may be a shock! 】

The person who thought he would be killed appeared in front of her intact?

Well, it looks so exciting!

Cha Cha retorted with dissatisfaction, "I'm so cute, how could I be frightened?"

Qiqi's desire to survive is very strong, [I always think Chacha is super cute! 】


【Ah, ah, there is someone ahead! 】

Qiqi abruptly interrupted what Cha Cha was about to say, a terrified reminder.

(end of this chapter)