Chapter 852: Regent, puppet emperor (12)

Chapter 852 Regent, Puppet Emperor (12)

Cha Cha ate some pastries for a while.

also almost sorted out what happened in the past two days after the original owner left the palace.

Actually, it’s not a big deal.

As Cha Cha guessed.

After the original owner left the palace.

The Regent immediately sent someone to block the news.

Naturally, no one dared to spread it.

Since the outsiders don't know the news, once any news leaks, she will definitely blame Weirou.

"Your Majesty, the imperial hospital sent someone to bring medicine."

Green shoots will deliver a bowl of soup medicine.

Chacha frowned, "Well, you put it here, go to the imperial dining room and see, is dinner ready?"

Green shoots, "???"

She responded, not daring to say anything.

Before turning around,    secretly glanced at His Majesty's stomach.

Eat so much... Don't you feel overwhelmed?

Or, has His Majesty been starving for the past two days?

While thinking about it, Lu Ya hurriedly ordered someone to go to the imperial kitchen.

at the same time.

Chacha quickly poured out the dark soup.

Qiqi looked at the master's skillful operation, slightly shocked, [Chacha? This medicine is for you to treat...] How can it be drained?

Cha Cha's round eyes rolled around.

explained in a serious manner, "Qiqi, you don't understand, just returned to the palace, you must be careful about the things at the entrance, if someone poisons it, then I'm done playing?"

Qiqi nodded, [It makes sense, the host is really smart! 】

But... something doesn't seem right?


Isn't    pastry also hungry?

Why don't the pastries fall out?

It asks questions.

Chacha had a small face, "... Qiqi, this question is very profound, you don't need to understand it, darling."

[Well, okay. 】

Chacha said that it doesn’t need to be understood, so it doesn’t need to be understood…

When Luya came back, seeing the empty medicine bowl, he felt an unprecedented comfort.

His Majesty has really grown up!

Indistinctly, I noticed a strange line of sight.

Chacha looked up and saw the green buds' red eyes, "..." Wait, I didn't bully her!

I did not do anything!


Why are you crying?

She got up and hurriedly squeezed a piece of pastry and stuffed it into Lu Ya's mouth, "Don't cry, I'll give you something to eat."

Green shoots bit the cake, tears in her eyes falling.

While weeping, he nodded.

was so frightened that Chacha took a few more cakes and stuffed them into her hands.

Good party!


Moon Hall.

Wei Rou stood in front of the window with her hands behind her back.

There is a man in black kneeling respectfully behind him.

"You mean, none of the assassins sent out to kill Wei Cha didn't come back?"

"Yes." The man in black was trembling.

summoned up his courage and added, "And... can't find any clues everywhere, it's like evaporating from the world..."

Wei Rou was instantly furious, turned around, and roared sharply.

"Go away! What's the use of asking you guys!"

The face that used to be gentle and gentle, is now ghastly, and the whole body is filled with violent storms.

The man in black quickly disappeared into the Moon Palace.

In the empty Moon Palace, only Wei Rou was left.

For a moment.

A figure came slowly from the dark.

The man walked to Wei Rou's side, stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, and said softly, "Don't be angry, there is me."

Wei Rou's complexion slightly improved.

She put her head on the man's shoulder.

"You know what? I just went to the Phoenix Palace, and Wei Cha has changed a lot from before.

You must find a way to find out, what happened to Wei Cha outside the palace these two days, why did it suddenly seem like a different person?

And those assassins, I have cultivated for so long, how could it be possible to disappear? "

(end of this chapter)