Chapter 853: Regent, puppet emperor (13)

Chapter 853 Regent, Puppet Emperor (13)

Even if there is an accident, he will try to leave clues for her.

Unless... things are moving too fast to leave clues.

But how is that possible?

So many assassins, how powerful is the opponent? Can it be handled so cleanly?

Wei Rou became more worried the more she thought about it.

Seeing this, the man reached out and patted her on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I'll check it out, don't scare yourself."

Weirou nodded.

"Then you as soon as possible."


"But... I always feel a little uneasy in my heart..."

Weirou's eyes darkened.

"You said, could it be the regent who took care of those assassins?"

After all, it seems that His Majesty’s return this time was helped by the regent’s troops.

Wei Rou thinks it is possible.

The    man sighed with a gentle expression, "Rouer, Xiao Zhixu also encountered a group of assassins on the way back and was injured, so the group of assassins who hunted down the little emperor could not be solved by him..."

"What? Xiao Zhixu also met an assassin?" Wei Rou was shocked.

How could she not know about such a big thing?

"Well." The gentleness on the man's face gradually subsided, and he was a little unhappy, "Are you caring about him?"

Wei Rou sneered, "What nonsense are you talking about? I just didn't expect that someone could hurt him."

In an instant, Wei Rou wanted to understand this.

The white fingers landed on the man's side face with gentle movements.

"Cen (Cen) Mu, you are really amazing, I should have known... the assassination of Wei Cha should be handed over to you."

Ashmu reached out and grabbed her fingers, the corners of his lips raised lightly, "It's okay, next time, we can always find a suitable opportunity."

"Then my future depends entirely on you."

Wei Rou stretched out her hand around his neck and smiled softly.

's strong arms picked her up, turned and walked towards the big bed...


After dinner.

Tea took a flower bath for a while, and lay down comfortably on the bed.

I plan to sleep comfortably.

Who knows, just lay down.

Lv Ya then announced: The Regent has come to the outside of the hall and wants to see His Majesty.

Chacha, "???" Why do you want to see me at night?

See you! See you! Delay my sleep!

"Just say I'm fast asleep, let the Regent go back..."

"Is Your Majesty talking in your sleep? People who are sleeping, know to let this king go back?"

Across a screen, the figure of the Regent is dazzlingly shadowy.

Cha Cha's face changed, and he picked up a pillow and smashed it in the direction of the figure.

"My bedroom, who allowed you to trespass?"

I am a daughter's family!

What should I do if I see something I shouldn't?

As the voice fell, the pillow slammed on the screen. I don't know how much strength she used, but the screen fell to the ground with a thud.

Lv Ya shuddered with a bewildered look on her face.

The Regent, who was originally behind the screen, had already stood elsewhere, staring coldly at His Majesty on the bed.

The silver mask became more and more gloomy under the candlelight.

A strange atmosphere struck.

The powerful coercion can't wait to kill people.

Lvya fell to his knees with a thud, "Your Majesty was frightened outside, please don't worry about it..."

Xiao Zhixu ignored Lu Ya who was kneeling down, and still looked at the little emperor sitting on the bed.

Under his gaze, the little emperor looked at him for a few seconds, and then his eyes flickered.

The white fingertips moved slightly, slowly pulled the quilt, and burrowed into the quilt, leaving the back of the head for the regent.

Green shoots, "..." is over.

Your Majesty, is this floating?

First he smashed the Regent with a pillow, but now he doesn't give the Regent any face.

woo, it's over!

I will not see the sun tomorrow.

(end of this chapter)