Chapter 870: Regent, Puppet Emperor (30)

Chapter 870 Regent, Puppet Emperor (30)

Xiao Zhixu's eyes darkened.

He glanced at her little hand that he was holding.

whispered, "Your Majesty, it's time to go to the morning."

Chacha winked at him.

While he was unprepared, the other hand pinched him again.

The little girl's eyes were full of pride.

Grab her one hand, she has the other!

"Does it hurt?" she asked.

Xiao Zhixu was amused, so he nodded in cooperation with her, "Pain, you are not dreaming."

If he doesn't nod again, there might be something wrong with the little thing.

As his voice fell, Cha Cha suddenly pulled his hand back.

Then he unexpectedly kicked Xiao Zhixu to the ground.

Xiao Zhixu was kicked with a bewildered expression, "???"

He looked sluggish for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, a soft voice sounded, mixed with a bit of anger, "Xiao Zhixu! Who allowed you to crawl on my bed! Did you crawl on my bed as soon as you said it?"

She didn't speak much, but the secret guards guarding outside gave her a stern look.

Several people looked at each other and saw shock from the bottom of their eyes.


Is it that exciting?

Can't see it!

The prince of their family usually seems quite calm, but it turns out that he came to the little emperor...

Liu Ying silently gestured to those people.

motioned them to guard well and never let others approach.

Alas, while feeling the thrill, they suddenly started to be afraid again.

I don’t know if the lord will kill and silence him.

Tsk, who would have thought that the lord could actually do such a thing as crawling on the bed?

The point is, he was also despised by His Majesty...


They'd better be quiet and pretend they don't know anything.

Inside the hall.

Xiao Zhixu stood up from the ground with a dark face, then put on his coat gracefully.

"Your Majesty, the court."

Cha Cha, "..."

Didn't you explain it?

At times like this, shouldn’t there be an affectionate confession?

You actually let me go to the morning?

Are you the devil?

If you confess, I’ll immediately… reluctantly nod my head and make do with agreement.

After a while, seeing that Xiao Zhixu really had nothing else to say.

Cha Cha hummed twice, you're done! What a waste of time to confess.

She reached out to get her clothes, turned around, moved for a while, glanced at him, and said angrily, "You go out! I want to change clothes."

Xiao Zhixu's deep eyes fell on her somewhere.

One glance and then move away.

The moment he turned around, he said softly, "It's so small, what's so beautiful?"

chacha, “…”

's charming little face turned red.

She picked up the pillow next to her and smashed it at the figure.

Unfortunately, it didn't hit...

The tall and slender figure seems to be proud of the word everywhere.

Chacha was so angry that he could not wait to pull Xiao Zhixu over, pinch him a few more times in the face!

She put on her clothes unhappily.

His eyes couldn't help but glance at his chest.


It seems... ok.

Xiao Zhixu stepped out of the dormitory, Liu Ying and others immediately lowered their heads, wishing they could bury the whole person, for fear of being questioned by him.

After all, you hear what you shouldn't hear.

However, Xiao Zhixu just glanced at them lightly.

After a long time, Liu Ying raised his head in a trance, as if the master was in a good mood?

didn't say anything?

He couldn't help but glance at the closed door.

In the eyes of the master, His Majesty is indeed different from others.

If it goes well, maybe they will soon have a mistress...

Liu Ying pondered secretly, he must be kind to His Majesty in the future, and for his own future, he must please His Majesty in advance!

Chacha didn't know, in a very short time.

She has a few more little brothers inexplicably.

(end of this chapter)