Chapter 871: Regent, puppet emperor (31)

Chapter 871 Regent, Puppet Emperor (31)

Early above.

Another day when I didn't see Wei Ran and Wei Rou.

Chacha is very satisfied with this.

It seems that it is still necessary to beat Wei Rou from time to time.

Of course, it would have been better if Xiao Zhixu had started Dao earlier.

Thinking so, her eyes fell on Xiao Zhixu inadvertently.

Coincidentally, Xiao Zhixu was also looking at her.

The two looked at each other, and Cha Cha immediately became interested, raised his chin, and looked at him with an imposing manner.

Xiao Zhixu, "..."

Small things are not good.

Want to pinch.

Such a little interaction between the two was quickly noticed by the ministers.

All ministers, "..."

The relationship between the Regent and His Majesty seems to be very good, doesn't it?

The Regent looks like he is very fond of His Majesty?

Then they...

Do you have to be more respectful to His Majesty in the future?

Your Majesty doesn’t understand anything, and the Regent is not easy to fool.

Moreover, they heard that recently, the Regent has been running to His Majesty's palace every day.

Oh, could it be that these two have something they don't know about?


Chacha doesn't know at all.

A glance between himself and Xiao Zhixu also attracted speculations from the ministers...

Even if he knew, he would probably be speechless.

As a minister, why do you gossip like this?

After the early morning ended.

Xiao Zhixu followed to the Phoenix Palace again.

Chacha, "..." If you have the ability to follow me, do you have the ability to speak clearly?

She tilted her head, turned around at the door of the Phoenix Palace, and ran to the Tai Hospital.

Xiao Zhixu kept up slowly, and didn't think there was any problem at all.

Wait for them to arrive at Tai Hospital.

Chacha went directly to the green buds who were recuperating in the Taiyuan Hospital.

Xiao Zhixu...

also followed.

Cha Cha took a step, and he took a step too.

Wherever she goes, he follows.

The imperial physicians saluted in fear, their foreheads sweating.

A palace maid, is it worth the regent to visit in person?


Isn't the Regent very busy?

When did you become so free?


When the green buds saw the tea, the eyes were full of light.

"Your Majesty! The maid wants to go back with you!"

She has been forced to treat her injuries in the Taiyuan Hospital these days.

There were several guards at her door, who would not let her leave. They insisted that she would not return to the Phoenix Palace until she recovered from her injuries.

Green shoots will start with them on the spot.


There are wounds on his body, but he can't beat him.

She was sent in again.

And it affects the injury, and it will take two more days to support.

Green shoots are called qi.

I can't wait to roll up my sleeves and fight again on the spot.

You can't beat it, and you can't walk away.

For a while, I could only lie down in the room and rest in grief.

This lay down for several days.

Now that she finally sees His Majesty, she can't wait to reach out and hug His Majesty's thigh and hang it on His Majesty's body.

Cha Cha turned to see the imperial doctor, "How is her injury?"

Hearing the words, Lu Ya replied, "Your Majesty, the injury of this servant is already healed! This place is too boring and boring. If you stay any longer, Your Majesty may have to collect the corpse for the servant..."

Chacha, "..." It is impossible to collect corpses.

Green shoots will definitely live a hundred years.

She reached out and patted Luya on the shoulder.

"Then you go back to the Phoenix Hall with me now."

"it is good!"

Green Bud's eyes are full of excited light.

She followed just two steps, and suddenly saw the Regent standing at the door.

The smile on Lu Ya's face condensed, and she looked at Cha Cha blankly, "Your Majesty, Prince Regent..." Why did you come?

is a little confused.

Still a little overwhelmed.

She shouldn't have offended the Regent, right?

lost in thought.

Or, what happened during the few days she was away from His Majesty that she didn't know about?

(end of this chapter)