Chapter 891: Regent, puppet emperor (51)

Chapter 891 Regent, Puppet Emperor (51)

The imperial physician carefully examined Xiao Zhixu's injury.

Then he glanced at him secretly.

After seeing his ugly face.

The imperial doctor said very politely: The Regent's arm should not hold heavy objects for a while, it is best to keep it in a state of rest...

In short.

The best thing is that someone can take care of him at all times and take care of him carefully, so that the wound can heal faster.

After saying this, he secretly glanced at the Regent again.

Sure enough, the words he said touched the heart of the Regent.

Cha Cha stared thoughtfully at the wound that was wrapped in gauze after changing the medicine for a while.

She said, "The imperial physician is right. In the future, this arm should not move around until the wound is completely healed." Otherwise, it will be very troublesome if the wound keeps opening like this.

Xiao Zhixu nodded, "Yes."

Rare silence.

The appearance of    seems to be letting Chacha call the shots.

He listened to what she said.

Liuying walked in and saw this scene.

He quietly glanced at his master.

Alas, it's really not a person to fool a little girl like that.

Unfortunately, he dared not say this.

According to the physical condition of the master, the wound should have healed long ago, and it is impossible to open it casually, and that is why the majesty will be coaxed by the master with bitterness.

He lowered his eyes, feeling complicated.

Who can imagine, one day.

The master even uses the bitter meat scheme.

He stepped forward and reported Wei Rou's news.

Wei Rou has been caught by Liu Feng.

is now waiting for His Majesty and the Regent to deal with it.

"Have you caught Wei Rou?" Cha Cha stood up abruptly, it seemed that Liu Feng's ability was still very good.

In the future, if you want to catch someone or something, you can leave it to Liu Feng to do it.

"Yes, Liu Feng is taking her to the Heavenly Prison. I am here to ask Your Majesty and Master whether Wei Rou is locked up with Wei Ran Shumu or alone at the other end of the Heavenly Prison."

Cha Cha said without hesitation, "Put her in the same cell as Wei Ran!"

Liu Ying, "..." In the current situation, Wei Ran can't wait to strangle Wei Rou to death. If they are locked together, Wei Rou will probably lose half her life.


heard Cha Cha say again.

"You tell Liu Feng not to send people in first, and then send Wei Rou in after I arrive. I want to go to the theater!"

The little girl said cheerfully, her eyes filled with excitement.

Ryukage, "Yes." I have to say, His Majesty will play.

Xiao Zhixu sat on the other side and looked at Cha Cha silently.

Suddenly aware of someone's resentful eyes, Cha Cha leaned over with a guilty conscience, "How about we go to the theatre together?"

She looked at Xiao Zhixu eagerly.

That looks, it's not good to be good.

Xiao Zhixu nodded helplessly, "It's all up to you."

What can I do? Of course they listened to her.

She said what she said.

Liuying, "..."

I feel like the master has become a wife-loving demon.

Oh, no.

A person who is not yet a master.


The master has no name yet.


When Wei Rou was sent to the Sky Prison, she was still swearing.

"Do you know that I am the third princess today, the younger sister of His Majesty, you dare to do something to me, believe it or not, I will let you die without a burial in the future!"

Liu Feng, "..."

Oh, coincidentally, it was Your Majesty who asked me to do something to you... ah, no, let me catch you back.

Wei Rou saw that he didn't respond and continued to shout, "Since I was born, no one has dared to do this to me! Tell me, what's your name?"

There was a sinister light in her eyes, and she wanted to smash Liu Feng into ten thousand pieces.

If it was someone else, maybe he would be afraid.

The wind can flow, and I don't know how much blood is on my hands.

Why would you be afraid of Wei Rou's words?

(end of this chapter)